Page 51 of Cursed Dawn

I opened my eyes at the falter in his voice, fighting the heaviness of my eyelids. The pain grew the tiniest bit more bearable when Wane's fingers massaged firm circles over the worst area, allowing my jaw to unclench.

"Fuck, it hurts," I rasped, pressing my cheek into Em's hand and breathing in short, fast breaths.

"I can—feel you really clearly," Wane said, his voice almost careful. "I can feel what you need, itzaia, and I think—"

"What?" Emlyn demanded before I could speak, a muscle fluttering in his cheek above his thick beard."What,Wane?"

"I think she's entered a mating cycle somehow."

I shook my head. No chance. Stygian demons didn't have mating cycles, or if they did I'd literally never heard of it. Some demons didn't have periods every month; they had a vicious, painful heat once a year where their body demanded they fuck like crazy and make babies. It was a base, biological demand and it was violent and torture. I shut out the pang in my chest at the thought of babies.

"That makes no sense," Em muttered, his voice rough with worry. "Her cycle is monthly, not yearly."

My cheeks might have heated at them so casually discussing my period, but one) my cheeks were already enflamed and two) it wasn't some shameful thing I had to keep secret. Sure, I hated having periods, but they were just part of having a vagina. I hadn't realised quite how much attention Em paid to mine before, though. It explained how my bloody clothes ended up in the laundry and where all the cloths and rags came from, though.

"Love you," I panted, clenching my hands into fists when another cramp rose.

"I love you more than anything in the world," Emlyn replied seriously, stroking tears off my cheeks when pain bit deep into my abdomen. Wane tried to massage the pain away, but it only barely worked.

"She needs to mate, Em," Wane murmured.

"Here?" Emlyn scowled at the cell, from the solid walls to the window overlooking Mount Olympus. I saw the moment he figured out where we were; his blue eyes widened, a hitch of panic going through his soul.

"I think—you're crazy," I told Wane, reaching for his soul. "But I want the pain to stop. How do we fix it?"

"Yesterday morning," Em said before Wane could speak. "You were needy and aroused, even though we'd all been together the night before."

"With me that morning, too," Wane mused. "I think your body's been trying to tell you something for a long time. And we can figure out why later—if it's got something to do with your god ancestor or Rhea or something on your demon side."

I clenched my jaw when pain washed over me again, my body locking this time.

"I can't bear this," Wane breathed, fingers making quick work of the fastenings of my trousers and slipping inside. He groaned, and my hips bucked at the sound. When he drew his fingers out they were slicked with so much arousal it dripped from the tips. "Still doubt me?" he asked Em.

Emlyn blinked, a thousand emotions chasing across his face. "Is—is that why we struggled—"

"Stop," I said through gritted teeth. I didn't want to follow that dark path of thought, didn't want to taste the hope if it was true.

But I wasn't the only one who'd felt the lack for those ten years, and I wasn't the only one crushed by disappointment every time my body sabotaged us. Because it needed a mating cycle…? Then why bleed monthly? Ugh, I hated my body.

"Questions later," Wane agreed, pushing my trousers down my hips, Emlyn kneeling to unfasten my boots and pull the fabric off me completely. "Don't fuck about with foreplay."

"Since when were you this mouthy?" Emlyn asked, a flicker of amusement in his blue eyes until another whimper of pain escaped me. "I'm here, I'm here, Hales."

I still clung to denial that Wane was wrong—right up until Emlyn sank all the way to the hilt inside me, his cock stretching me so fiercely that the burn replaced the painful twist in my stomach. Relief was instant, like Em's cock was imbued with a healing tonic, and it spread further with every slam of his hips into mine.

I melted into Wane with a deep breath, covering his hand with mine. I squeezed, trying to swallow my panic at what this meant.

"It's okay," Wane breathed against my ear. "We've got you. Whatever happens, we'll be okay."

I shuddered when Em's hands slid under my ass and lifted me, hitting deeper but with enough skill that all I felt was blinding pleasure and no discomfort. A loud groan tore from the back of my throat, my breathing coming faster when Wane's free hand dipped down and drew slow circles on my clit. I was so desperately wet that the noises we made were obscene, but when Wane's lips found the side of my neck, suctioning to my weak spot, I forgot every bit of embarrassment.

"That's our good girl," Emlyn murmured, driving into me faster, making goosebumps cover my body in a rush of cold that fought the scalding heat inside my body. "I can feel you getting close. So tight around me."

I bit my lip, my eyes screwing shut when the stimulation on my clit and Em's purposeful strokes combined to send me so high my toes curled.

"You need to come inside," Wane said, husky with arousal.

Emlyn groaned, his hips moving frantically now. He sought my lips, kissing me in a rush that sent another rush of shivers through my body. I reached up to clasp the back of his head, keeping him close as I melted into the hot kiss, my hips stuttering up to meet his.