Page 35 of Cursed Dawn

Kai muttered unintelligibly, but accepted the kiss she placed on his cheek with zero complaint. I smirked. He was as weak for her as the rest of us, if not more.

"Andyou,Emlyn Johan," Haley went on, putting her hands on her hips. "Maybe you can enlighten me about where my underwear disappeared to."

He looked at the sky, his eyes roaming left, then right. "Aren't they still on the ground, Hales?"

I snorted. He was an awful liar. I closed the distance to lay another kiss in Haley's pink hair because I physically could not separate myself from her, and jumped when a shadow moved towards the little back street.

No, not a shadow. Just a woman with sharp, inky hair dressed head to toe in tactical black, only her face and hands a different shade—those were vivid purple. I groaned. Not this woman again.

"Why does it stink like sex in this alley?" she barked, her nose wrinkling.

"Oh, Harvey just fucked me against the wall," Haley replied brightly, grinning at her friend with zero shame. Gods, I loved this look on her—happiness and confidence. She should look like this every minute of every day. No worries, no stress.

Cronus needed to die.

"I didn't need to know that," Renna groaned.

"Twelve out of ten, and hot as fuck," Haley went on, preening. "My mate's exceptional in bed. Well, against the wall."

"I definitely didnotneed to know that."

Now,Iwas preening.

Kai rolled his eyes. "I'm a fifteen."

"I'm a twenty," Wane added confidently.

"I don't need a number," Emlyn said with a crooked little smile behind his beard.

Oooh, that was good. Power move.

"Wait, how the fuck did you find us, and what are you doing here?" Haley asked Renna, storming forward a step. We all hurried to flank her, surrounding her.

"Coincidence," Renna replied smoothly.

"You didn't … put a tracker in me. Did you?"

Wane and I exchanged a quick glance, our thoughts in sync. A sharp smile crossed my face, and I raised an eyebrow at Kai when he noticed us. He was quick to catch on, crimson eyes flashing.

"Only for emergencies," Renna replied calmly.

"How does it work?" I asked the woman, resting a hand on my mate's back, her feathers brushing my knuckles.

"I have a gemstone that works as a homing beacon. I can follow its pull towards the person it's linked to."

"Can it be duplicated?" Wane asked innocently.

Renna made a contemplative expression. "Depends what's in it for me."

Haley let out a throaty little growl that went straight to my cock. "Can you, for once in your lives, get your own friends and stop stealing mine?"

"No," Kai replied with a wink that made her breathing increase.

"You didn't answer my mate's other question," Emlyn pointed out, his spine straight and grey wings tense at his sides. "Why are you here, tracking Haley?"

Renna's grin deepened, sharpened. "We've found something. We might have a way to break your curse."