Page 36 of Requiem for Love


When Joel didn’t feel the movements or stirrings of a tiny, warm body next to him, his eyelids flipped open. He was in the tent, but Theo wasn’t next to him. He’d told Theo to wake him if he had to go to the bathroom, even though he wore the nighttime underwear, to ensure he didn’t walk in the dark alone. If Theo wasn’t next to him, where the hell was he?

“Theo?” He left the tent, scanned the patio, and noticed the open doors. “Theo, where are you? Talk to me, buddy.”

After sweeping his gaze around the outdoor space one last time, he went inside, moved aside a picture on the wall, and grabbed the Glock hidden behind it, his pulse pounding in his ears.

“Theo-nosaurus Rex, can you hear me?”

A shriek echoed through the house.

His blood started to curdle, but he took a moment to focus on where the noise had come from. Panic wouldn’t help him find Theo, but he was seconds away from his heart giving out.

Theo’s voice rang out again from the direction of the kitchen.

“Mama! Joel!”

He dashed to the kitchen and followed crying and whimpering noises to the pantry. Inside, he found Theo curled into a ball on the floor, eyes shut and shaking so violently that his curls lay damp and flat on his forehead.

“Theo?” His fingers grazed Theo’s skin. “Theo, it’s me. I’m here.”

Theo’s eyes opened, widened, and he scrambled backward until he’d plastered himself up against a pile of cans.

Joel kneeled, tucking away the pistol. “It’s me, Theo. It’s Joel. You’re safe, baby boy.”

Theo dashed forward and hugged him with trembling arms around his neck, little heart beating out of his chest. Tears stained his face as he coughed between cries.

“Theo, I’m here. I’m here. Can you feel my breathing? Try to breathe like me. In…out. In…out. I’m here. I’m here. You’re safe. You’re safe.”

While they breathed together, Joel walked around the house, stroking Theo’s back and rocking him like he’d done since Theo was a baby. No matter how much he freaked out on the inside, he kept his tone level and calm.

“I’m right here, Theo.” He sent a quick apology heavenward before the following words left his mouth. “Daddy’s here. Daddy’s right here. I’m not going anywhere, baby boy. You’re safe.”

It took several minutes for Theo’s crying to reduce to tearful whimpers, but he didn’t stop walking or set him down, even if he had to hold him for the rest of the night.

“Daddy?” Theo’s stomach quivered. “Can I tell you a secret?”

Joel held his breath. “Yes, you can tell me a secret. You can tell me anything.”

“Mr. Veeny was at the Maui house.”

Rage potent enough to coagulate his blood replaced every ounce of fear. “Theo, is Mr. Veeny real or fake?”

“I can’t tell you.”

“Is that who you drew in your pictures? The scary man?”


He sat Theo on the living room sofa and crouched in front of him. “Theo, you can tell me anything. Anything in the world. I love you with everything in me, so if Mr. Veeny hurt you in Maui and told you not to tell me, tell me anyhow. Anybody who hurts my baby boy has to deal with me, and I won’t be nice about it. It’s okay to tell me, no matter what he said to you.”

Theo’s lips trembled. “Mr. Veeny told me not to tell Mama he was at my school.”

“Did he tell you his name was Mr. Veeny?”

“His name is Veen...something.”

“What else did,”thismotherfucker,“Mr. Veeny tell you?”