Page 131 of Requiem for Love

“Yes. How jealous are you?”


He walked them up the stairs to the bedroom, closed the door behind him, and set her on the bed.

The empty bed.

“Theo’s with Sydney,” he said, climbing over her. “He woke up and said he wanted to sleep with her to help keep the babies safe. Just when you thought you couldn’t love a kid more.”

“So we’re alone for a whole night?”

“Mm,” he dipped his head to kiss her collarbone, “hmm.”

“Before we get naked, I want to talk to you about something.”

“Me too.”

“You first.”

He climbed onto the bed and lay on his back.

She quickly slipped off her panties and straddled him.

“In the next few months, the weather’s going to be beautiful,” he said. “And we have a shit ton of land on this property. I would love to marry you during one of those months, and I was thinking an outdoor wedding might be nice. We could do a tent, fancy chairs, massive tables, bulb lights. We’re officially married, yeah, but I’m ready for our friends and family and everyone to know and be part of it. What do you think?”

She dropped a kiss on his mouth. “I love it. I’m already working out the guest list in my head.”

“Maybe Xar can start designing your wedding dress. She’s always wanted to.”

“Well…maybe. Let’s put a pin in that until after I tell you what I have to tell you.” Despite knowing how much he wanted this, she was still nervous to bring it up. “I…um…first of all, I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you before I did this, but I found out that my IUD tapped out.”

He went motionless beneath her.

“I’m not pregnant,” she quickly added, “but I told the gynecologist I didn’t want to insert a new one until I talked to you. I’m ready, but I was wondering if you were ready for us to…start trying?”

His throat bobbed. “When?”


His body answered before he did. “Eesh, are you sure?”

“One hundred percent.”

“I mean,” he tilted his hips, pressed into her, “really sure. I want this with you, but I don’t want you to resent me. Our family, the way it is now, is more than enough. I really am happy the way things are.”

“Joel,” she took his hand and guided it between her legs, “yes. I’m sure.”

“Were you downstairs with Adrían without panties?”

“Joel, I took them off right before I climbed on top of you. You saw me take them off.”

“So no, you weren’t downstairs with Adrían without panties?”

She unraveled the string on his pants, pulled them down, and nearly whimpered at how hard he was. “This thing is so beautiful.”

“You’re avoiding the question.”

“The fact that you can even fake being jealous amazes me. You’re sexy, beautiful, gorgeous, good-looking…” She licked away the creamy droplet that spilled from his tip.