Page 115 of Requiem for Love

The person parked along the side of the road, hopped out of a car she didn’t recognize, and ran up to her, grabbing her shoulders.


She met their eyes.

“Are you okay?” Sydney asked.


“Where are you headed?”

“My house.”

Sydney glanced at something, or someone, behind her head and nodded. “Can I take you? Come on. Let me drive you.”

“I could kill you.”

“I’ll take my chances.”

Sydney took her hand, walked to the car, and helped her in. Then she zoned out until they were in front of her former house. The house combined American and Scandinavian architectural elements, but she loved Joel’s house more, though not because of the farmhouse vibe.

Because Joel was there.

“Come on, honey.” Sydney took her hand again. “Let’s go inside.”

They walked through the entrance, and Sydney sat her down on the floor in the sparsely furnished living room.

“Eesh, I’ll be right back, okay?”

Sydney disappeared and returned with a pair of thick, fluffy socks, ignoring her protests and slipping the socks onto her pebble-roughened feet.

“Did Larke do those faux locs?” Sydney asked, easing down onto the floor. “Faux locs, box braids, passion twists…they’re always so gorgeous on you.”

She shook her head. “Surprisingly, I got them done in Stockholm.”

“I was thinking of getting braids or something.” Sydney smoothed her silky, flat-ironed ponytail. “Would give me one less thing to worry about, especially with Thing One and Thing Two’s due date quickly approaching.”

Ayesha’s gaze fell.

Joel had mentioned that Sydney was pregnant, but she hadn’t been expecting this far along. Sydney’s light-colored sweater dress clearly displayed a sizable belly over a pair of leggings.

Sydney rubbed her stomach, her other arm braced behind her. “They’re both boys.”

“They? Both?” Ayesha’s eyes opened wide. “You’re having twins?”

“That’s why I was on my way to your place. I needed advice on how to manage two boys. You and Joel are the only two people lucky enough to be bestowed with the privilege.”

“I don’t know if I can help you with that.”

Sydney swatted the air. “I’m joking, I’m joking.”

“Joel knows.”

“I know. We talked.”

“Is that why you were on your way to the house?”

“No, I wasn’t going to see Joel. I was coming to see you.” Sydney smiled, but her eyes reflected more sorrow than joy. “I wanted to tell you how sorry I am for how I treated you the last time we spoke.”