Page 89 of Requiem for Love


That was the word—unassuming.

He laughed to himself, head shaking, and changed Theo out of the soiled jeans. When Theo’s tears returned, he picked him up and held him close. So tiny, Theo was, that if he didn’t grow soon, Aleksi would look him in the eyes.

“Little Theo, forever, we will protect. Do not worry. Mr. Veeny,” he glanced at Bez, “he will see Hell.”


“I did not say kill or murder, my Bez.”

She sighed. “True.”

He tickled Theo’s side. “You trust your Uncle Gio, yes?”

Theo giggled, nodded, and squeezed him tight, head on his shoulder.

Bez smiled. “I love you, Gio. Please don’t ever change.”

“I love you too, Unco Gio,” Theo echoed. “Thanks for being my scary uncle.”


“Gano, did you turn your comms off?”

Adrían spun away from his laptop and faced the now open and unlocked doorway. Hyeok, the fucking light-foot, stood in the light streaming in from the corridor.

“It’s not like I can’t,” he said.

“Well, we’ve been trying to reach you. It’s Wesley. Lavigne disappeared on us again, so Wesley followed him. They ran into somebody outside of a home improvement store, of all places. Gano, Lavigne checked in about a half hour ago. Wesley’s dead.”

That was…unexpected. Not that he felt anything—remorse, sadness, a twitch of grief—but he hadn’t expected them to be a five-man team before going up against Gage Wolfe’s people.

“Who killed him?”

Hyeok folded his arms, leaned against the doorframe, and shrugged. “Don’t know.”

“How’d it happen?”

“Two blades. One to the neck, the other to the midsection.” Hyeok glanced at the laptop screen. “Lavigne got a little sliced up too. Said it all happened in less than two minutes.”

Adrían shut the lid. “Lavigne uses blades. Sure it’s not him?”

“Whoever did this is crazier.”

For a long time, they’d had no idea Central had formed other teams from the grueling training exercises that had brought Omega together. Each team was treated like they were the only ones, never crossing paths until the Curtis Savea incident.

“One more time, Gano,” Hyeok said. “Does Ayesha Savea still have any contact with anyone from Alpha?”


“Not that I’ve been able to glean. Why?”

“She’s in Sweden, and we now believe at least one of Alpha is in Sweden. Can’t be a coincidence. If Ayesha’s here and the guy who did this to Wesley and Lavigne might be Alpha, it gives us reason to believe Alpha’s here as well.”

Which further complicated things.

Back when they were together, Ayesha told him she’d cut all ties with “Curtis’ friends from the military.” However, their reconnaissance had revealed that she’d kept in touch with Gage Wolfe—one of only two names they knew.