Page 54 of Requiem for Love

“Oh, she’s happy.”

For dinner, they had delicious homemaderibollita, and he poured her “wine” and leaned over to kiss her whenever the mood struck him. His smile and laugh made her hot and wet, and she’d found her thoughts straying to whether a couple’s first time together being a quickie was considered bad luck.

As keyed up as she was, it wouldn’t take long, but it wasn’t like she was solely searching for an orgasm. Orgasms, she’d had. Over the years, she’d given herself plenty. What her body craved was him, swollen and hard. The sounds of his pleasure. The grunt of his release. The evidence on her inner thighs.

“Joel…” She pushed at his chest, pushed his lips away from hers before she turned into a puddle. “I need to go upstairs.”

He looked at her from beneath hooded eyelids. “Why?”

“To change.”

“You know, I can handle that problem for you.” He ran his tongue along his bottom lip. “By the time I’m done with you, you’ll sparkle.”

She stood, leaned down for another kiss that only made her situation worse, and hurried to the stairs. When her foot landed on the first step, her phone rang, but she didn’t have time for a conversation.

It took her only a couple of minutes to change. However, in that couple of minutes, Joel had gone from highly aroused to a malevolent intensity she heard before she saw him.

“I asked how you got this number and why the hell you’re calling my woman’s phone.”

She entered the dining area.

“Yes, she is, and you don’t have to know my name. I know how lucky I am.” He hung up. “Ayesha, did you give that Adrían fucker your number?”

She frowned. “No. That was him?”


“I didn’t give him my number, Joel.”

“See, that’s the thing. None of our numbers are listed anywhere. The only people with these numbers,” he held up the phone, “are the kids’ teachers. I’ll be right back.”

He started past her.

She grabbed his forearm. “Where are you going? Julien’s?”


“Not tonight. Please? We just,” she motioned to the table, “had a lovely dinner together, and it’s been the perfect day. Plus, you lookterrificin that sweater and those jeans, and I’d like to kiss you for as long as I can because you know Theo’s already planning his return.”

“Damn, Eesh.” He set her phone down. “I’m not even pissed anymore.”

He grabbed her ass, picked her up, and latched onto her mouth. Any reply she had disappeared down his throat. Joel had a way of kissing her that made her lose all sense of time, his tongue moving slowly and deliberately, dancing with hers.

He propped her against a wall.

And she whimpered.

Actually whimpered.

“Don’t do that to me, baby.” He flicked his tongue in and out of her mouth, licking from inside her top lip to the bow that dipped in its middle. “Don’t let me hear how much you love what I’m doing to you.”

He latched back onto her mouth, and his fingers slipped over the soaked middle of the new pair of panties, stroking her through the fabric. They had to stop—or something. There was a reason they had to stop, but it escaped her with each flick of Joel’s tongue.

He pushed past the panties, sliding two fingers inside her, and she barely restrained what would have been a loud moan.

“I want you, Joel.” She sucked on his lips. “Please give it to me. Please, please give it to me.”

“It’s hard not to,” he said, his voice strained. “You keep testing me like you don’t know how hard I want to fuck you.”