Page 42 of Requiem for Love

It wasn’t what she had between her legs.

It was who Ayesha was, in contrast to whotheywere. It was why they needed weapons; without weapons, they would be forced to realize just how wide open they consistently left their hearts and minds. They would be forced to accept that there was no protecting them against someone who came wielding something other than danger.

People like them expected bullets, war, death, and darkness. Yet warmth, a kind smile, soft eye contact, or even something as basic as an authentic embrace? They had no idea what the hell to do with any of it. So, when faced with those moments of confusion, those moments when they were most vulnerable, they folded like a house of cards.

“You know something?” Lavigne tapped the end of the glowing nicotine stick, sending ashes floating through the air. “Before the Savea widow, I never saw you with a woman. At first, I thought you might not like them, but I think it is something different. The infamous Adrían Delgano, former enforcer for theChamasagradocartel of Brazil…was the Savea widow your first lover?”

Adrían unhinged his jaw, using nearly all the strength he had in his body. “Lavigne, do me a favor and shut the fuck up.”

“Protective of her, are you? You have been watching her? For a long time? If so, thentu sais ce que j’ai fait au garçon.”

“You didwhatto what boy?” He went from sitting to his hand wrapped around Lavigne’s throat in seconds, Lavigne’s back pressed against the concrete exterior wall.

The cigarette dropped from Lavigne’s fingers, and as Lavigne’s eyes turned red, the ignorant fuck smiled.

Adrían brandished the pistol and held it against Lavigne’s temple, but Trevor rushed onto the terrace and knocked the gun to the side just as the shot rang out, the bullet headed for the depths of the sea.

“Let him go, Adrían.”

Adrían squeezed tighter.


He released.

Lavigne stumbled to the side, coughing.

“Lavigne, I’ve told you, several times, that I’ll kill you if I find out you hurt either of those boys,” he spat, the gun aimed at Lavigne’s skull.

“What boys?” Trevor asked.

“Ayesha Savea’s. We said we wouldn’t hurt any of them, her or her little boys. That’s not how we operate. That’s not what the fuck we do.”

“It’s not.” Trevor turned to Lavigne. “So, what did you do? Did you hurt a kid?”

Lavigne swatted the air. “Only a little scare.”

Adrían faced the water. For good measure, next time, he would pull the trigger more than once. “Ayesha’s here,” he said. “I saw her.”

Trevor frowned. “So she actually did leave Hawaii for cold-ass Sweden?”

“Seems that way.”

Not only had she been sitting withGage Wolfe, the man they were actively combing the country to locate, but it appeared she’d also found herself a new man. Whoever the guy was looked genuinely interested in her, but once he got the chance to talk to her, she’d understand. He was the only person who could care for her in a way that would make her feel safe in a world like this.

If she forgave him.

“She wasn’t alone,” he added. “She appeared to be on a date—pretty boy, businessman-looking type. It doesn’t make any sense to keep following her. We’ll find Alpha some other way.”

“Was it only her and the boyfriend?” Lavigne asked.

Adrían tightened his grip on the handgun. “Yes. Why do you ask? Did you follow me?”

If he’d followed him, he would have seen Wolfe. As usual, Siriano Lavigne was full of shit.

Lavigne reached for another cigarette. “You said I was spotted by the kid. How did you know? Areyoufollowingme?”

Had he followed Lavigne more closely, he would have been able to save Theo from having to deal with the terror he was currently going through. Then, the last time he’d listened in, he’d overheard them saying they were getting ready to move, so he’d be relegated to only tracking Ayesha’s location rather than hearing her voice every morning.