Page 190 of Requiem for Love

“How’s the baby?”

“Joel, you’ve been out of intensive care for quite some time now.” Her eyes opened wide. “I had her three months ago.”

“What?” He tried to sit up in bed, but weariness shoved him back down onto the thin mattress.

“I named her Leojoelita Lattimore.”

She giggled.

“Ayesha,” he groaned. “Babe, don’t do that to me while I’m helpless and vulnerable. It’s so hard to keep track of time in this place.”

“It was Gage’s idea to make you think you’ve been here for months because you always wake up disoriented.”

“Of course, it would be Gage. But our baby’s still baking?”

“And doing well.” She raised her shirt. “I’m even showing a little bit already.”

He set his hand on her stomach, eyes welling up with tears. Part of him still couldn’t believe it and that it would take holding their slippery, screaming newborn before he accepted she’d taken this step with him.

“We’re calling it Darth Baby,” she said. “Theo has discovered Star Wars.”

“Darth Baby? I like that.”

“I have an O.B. appointment tomorrow. I’ll bring you the ultrasounds, as usual.”

“I want to come with you.”

“Sir, you are bedridden.”

“I want to hear Darth Baby’s heartbeat.”

She kissed him, and he wished the hospital had the ability to bottle and pump the effect she had on him into his IV.

“Are the boys here or back at home?” he asked.

“They’re at the hotel with your parents. Josiah’s doing virtual school, and I caught Theo wiping a booger on one of the machines, so they might only let me bring him one more time.”

He laughed despite the dull ache it caused in his chest. “And where’s Adrían? Has he been discharged yet?”

“No, he’s down at the cafeteria. Why? You sound awfully concerned about your ‘wife’s boyfriend.’”

“The medics didn’t get the joke.”

“Your sense of humor is an acquired taste. Lucky for you, it’s one I consume very liberally.”

“Do you know what he’s doing when he’s discharged?”

“No, he hasn’t said. Why?”

“We’ll probably have to do PT for recovery. He should probably stay near the one friend he has.”

She wiggled a finger at him. “You?”


“Joel, you freaked out when he got shot.”

“I was worried foryou,”he said. “By the way, did you finally tell him you still love him while I was unconscious?”