Page 189 of Requiem for Love

The corners of her mouth momentarily drooped. Neither of the boys had seen Joel yet. She’d promised to bring them once he was moved from I.C.U., but she didn’t want them to see him like this.

Adrían wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and she leaned against him. “Ayesha, he’ll pull through. There’s no way he’ll die knowing I’d propose to you at his funeral.”

She managed another weak laugh.

“Maybe I’ll buy you an engagement ring, just in case. Speed up the process.”

“An engagement ring? He’d jackknife awake.” She wiped at her eyes. “Can you keep reading to him?”

“Of course.” He released her, grabbed the book, opened it, and cleared his throat.“‘The men were ruthless because the past had been spoiled, but the women knew how the past would cry to them in the coming days…’”

* * *

“Querida? Querida, wake up.”

She opened her eyes.

Adrían stood over her, a food tray in his hand.

“What time is it?” she asked.

“Time for you to eat.”

“How’s Joel?”

“We’re actually down in my room.”

“How’d I get here?” She yawned. “You didn’t carry me, did you?”

“I wish, but I’m currently a feeble man. Pozza stopped by. Here, you can eat on the bed.” Adrían patted the thin mattress. “I’ve already eaten. I’ll sit in the chair.”

She climbed onto the bed, raised the lid on the food container, and laughed at the section of oil-free zucchini.

He grinned. “I made sure to check this time.”

Right after her first bite, her phone buzzed.

When she saw Gage’s number, she dropped her fork. Her heart rammed against her ribcage. It was hard to breathe. She’d listed Gage as Joel’s first emergency contact in the event they called with news she wouldn’t be able to handle.

She accepted the call and tapped the speaker button. “Gage?” she answered. “Please don’t tell me it’s bad news.”

“He’s up, Eesh,” Gage said. “They just called me like three minutes ago, and the first words he said were, ‘If my wife married her boyfriend, somebody bring me an axe.’”


“Hi, baby.” Warm lips touched Joel’s forehead. “Hi, honey. Are you feeling okay? Do you need anything?”

Joel opened his eyes.

Ayesha was halfway on the bed next to him, smoothing his hair and kissing his forehead, her heart beating against the side of his arm through her elegant, flower-patterned dress. He wiggled his fingers, and she slid hers between them. Although she came every day, it was always like seeing her for the first time.

“Hi, sweetheart,” he said. “Feeling okay today?”

“I’m with you. I’m excellent.”

“How are the boys?”

“They miss you.”