Page 136 of Requiem for Love

Lee wouldn’t bother him this late.

Neither would Adrían.

Nick and Lavigne knew better.

He stepped into a pair of shorts and opened the bedroom door. Just outside the entryway, standing in a beam of moonlight, was the man he’d been combing the country, trying to find, for months.

“Let me guess.” He looked down the hallway, which was lined with four additional shadows. “I’m the last man standing?”

Wolfe folded his arms over his chest. “Only four of you are left, but you’re not the last man standing. There’s the one Pozza dealt with.”

“Pozza?” Trevor slowly nodded. “That makes a whole lot more sense now.”

“Then the computer one.”

“Nick. Where’s he?”


Trevor exhaled, ran his fingers through his hair, and glanced behind him. “So you knocked. You wouldn’t knock if you came here intending to kill me.”

“First of all, you know me well enough, mate, that you know I’m not here to hurt your wife,” Gage said. “And no, we would knock even if we came to kill you, but we have a proposition to make instead. We’ve already talked to Gano. Now, we need you to relay the rest of the message.”

Trevor leaned against the door paneling. “And what’s the proposition?”

* * *

“Fuck, yeah.” Jeong’s eyes darted around the room, gauze taped to the wound in his shoulder. “I’m in.”

“Honestly, I think this is the best possible outcome,” Trevor said. “Central’s been fucking us all over. Who’s to say they’ll honestly let us out of our contracts? And that’sifwe were able to take out Alpha. Shit, only one of them was needed to take down Wesley.”

“What about Lavigne?” Jeong asked.

Adrían rubbed his palms together. “They want his head.”

Jeong looked back and forth between him and Trevor. “Since day one, I didn’t want him on our team. We were supposed to be out doing good in the world, and they gave us Siriano Lavigne like a damn hangnail. Is that all they want? I can throw in a third cousin twice removed.”

“They also want us to help them get the other teams on board,” Trevor said.

“And you trust them?”

Trevor tapped his chest. “I trust Gage Wolfe with my life, Lee, and it’s better to be on the same side as a guy like that.”

Adrían knew the answer, but he asked anyhow. “So, what about what happened to Wesley? We’re good with that?”

He was.

Still, he decided to ask.

“Fuck Wesley,” Jeong said.

Adrían rubbed his hands on his thighs. “Okay, then. So, we’re in.”

Trevor nodded. “All right, fellas. Let’s do this.”


Ayesha, Tayler, Xara, and Mo entered the dark warehouse space, parting a crowd of hot, yelling, and gesturing bodies. In the middle of the room, underneath a strip of bright green lighting, sat a cage.