Marshall nodded and offered her his arm as they exited the dance floor and walked toward the triad. Meira looked at Ruby. “What is it?”
“There is another one of us here. I just can’t see her. I remember her beta face from the set crew, but I can’t place her name.”
Meira laughed. “Oh, that’s her thing. I have known her since I was five, but I can’t remember her name either. We were taken from home at the same time, and she healed me and got me home.”
Marshall said, “But a second woman isn’t in the tale of the scourge.”
Meira shook her head. “Of course not, but she was. She controls ice and perception. We resumed our beta form, and she closed the wound as best she could, hiding it when I was a beta.”
“Do you know her name?”
“No, I can’t keep it. Everyone forgets her. I can just remember her when I see her.”
Ruby bit her lip and then said, “Do you have any light left over?”
“Sure. I always do.”
“Can you broadcast a soft wave?”
Meira nodded and stood up, looking over the crowd as a soft light emerged from her skin and pulsed through the room.
A startled sound followed by panicked shouts as chairs were shoved back and an elf with golden eyes stood up and looked over at Meira. “Seriously?”
“Oh. Lynwyn.” Meira exhaled slowly.
Ruby looked at the woman, and she was perfect. She was the smallest Elite omega Ruby had seen, but she was... perfect.
The woman left her stunned colleagues and glided toward Meira. She glanced toward Ruby. “Well, I am guessing you figured out when I am seen?”
Ruby nodded. “Meira remembers you in battle, so she must have been using light, so you are visible when she does. What did you do in that fight?”
The woman smiled, and the dark Elite gasped. She was even prettier when she smiled. “I removed heads with a garrote. This has been a lot of fun and a lovely party, but I am no longer dressed for it.”
Meira blinked. “Oh god. I remember that now.”
“Nothing happened. You and I stopped it.” Lynwyn smiled. “But it is best that this form isn’t seen. Nothing good happens when I am seen, so if you could dim the light?”
Ruby watched Meira hug her friend, and then the light that softly lit the room dissipated.
Lynwyn looked at Ruby while she disappeared. Ruby gasped. “Holy shit.”
“Dude, I am still here, you know?” Lynwyn said. “I am just invisible, not teleporting. And now, I am stuck as an omega for a few hours. I am going to raid the dessert bar and head out. Happy solstice.”
Meira pressed her fingers to her cheek. “Happy solstice. I am going to fire off at midnight. Be somewhere safe, or you will be stuck for days again.”
“Thanks for the warning. Somehow, I always forget.” She laughed a bright, tinkling laugh that was soft and sad at the same time.
Meira smiled. “Just assume that she can hear us.”
Ruby blinked. “Well, this explains how the errors in the sets were resolved without anyone seeming to move anything.”
“She’s an imp. She loves to move things on people, but she has to be in her omega form to do it, which means concealment.”
Marshall inhaled. “Oh, my. I just figured it out.”
Rayden said, “Enlighten me?”
One of Meira’s males said, “The blind lightning.”