Page 29 of Patchwork Pixie

She nodded. “That is what I said.”

“So, you are willing to pay Marshall’s bill in full?”

“Yes. I don’t like owing alphas.”

The bill was passed to her, and she looked over the services that had been provided and nodded, taking out her phone and sending the funds to their receivables department.

She put her phone down, and Mr. Mayfield’s phone rang. “Yes? Thank you.”

He hung up. “Well, that is paid.”

Mr. Kensington said, “Really? Grey said you were destitute.”

“He’s mistaken. Long story.”

Mr. Mayfield smiled. “I like a good story.”

“Basically, they gave me the same talk they gave their other two kids. That I shouldn’t run home if things went bad. I should learn to tough it out. So, when financing for the second semester fell through, I wrote an app and sold it, and then I repeated it again and again. I bought and paid off my condo, and the issue with Tanner means that I don’t feel safe in my home anymore.”

“What about your uncles’ place?” Mr. Kensington asked.

“The pack house is the pack house. I am neither blood to most of them, nor a member of the pack. It was made clear that it was not a place I should get comfortable. So, that is where you find me now, trying to get comfortable.” She snorted. “Again.”

He stared at her. “Grey doesn’t seem the type to say that, but Dane does.”

She blushed. “Gerald is a sweetie, but his half-brother is confident in his place, I guess, is a good way to say it.”

“What did Tanner offer you?” Kensington scowled.

“Stability. Good family. His own funds. The business he was at fit me very well. The work was interesting, and someone else was always there to deal with people. I am not that fond of people.”

Mr. Mayfield handed her a client contract. She looked it over and smiled at the hourly pay. She signed the contract and lifted her phone to send the retainer.

The phone rang again, and it was confirmed again.

“Right, so Tanner is charging you with common assault, but the videos provided indicate that he attacked first. It is a non-event. Now, as for his assaults on you, there were twelve on your phone?”

“Yes. I only got the new tech six months ago, and then I managed to get all the overtime shifts, so it kept me out far into the night. You know, after a while, you get used to pain, but the humiliation lingers.”

Mr. Mayfield’s eyes gleamed. “Right. Have you ever invited an encounter with him?”

“The first time. I had heard from friends in the dorm that it could be uncomfortable, but the dehumanization was a shock. I stayed in shock from then onward.”

“How long were you with him?”

“Eighteen months and a bit.”

He blinked. “Why?”

“The devil you know?” She shrugged. “Other guys didn’t hit on me with him around. He never stayed the night, so I always had time to get myself together, and he didn’t hit me. I got to work and had most time to myself. Oh, and I was under a compulsion to obey someone in a position of power over me. That isn’t admissible in court though.”

Mr. Kensington said, “Rayden has removed that particular block.”

“So, every person in your life who was a supervisor, manager...”

“Uncles, older cousins, yeah, I had to acquiesce. I didn’t have to agree, but something forced me to give in. My head still kind of aches.” Ruby rubbed her forehead.

“Well, your friend Elizabeth is trying to sue you.”