Page 15 of Patchwork Pixie

“Yeah. He said Tanner was a nice, safe guy, and I would be lucky.” She grimaced. “I was not.”

James muttered, “I really want him dead.”

“He’s been arrested already. He’s also very pretty. Draw what inferences you will.” She smiled politely.

Grey had his phone in his hand and was typing with his thumb.

Ruby’s phone buzzed, and she jumped. “Sorry. I wasn’t expecting a call.”

Leon nodded. “Leave the table, but come right back.”

She pushed her chair back and went to take the call in the front room. “Hello?”

“You didn’t answer my second text, little girl.” The low purr of Rayden’s voice coursed over her.

“Second text? I have been a little preoccupied.”

“I see. I wanted to know if you wanted to go skating at five tomorrow morning?”

She blinked. “Really?”

“Yes. We are doing our rehearsals at six, so five is the perfect time to get an hour in tomorrow.”

Ruby swallowed. “Where?”

He chuckled. “Seykord Arena.”

“At five?”

“Yes. Consider this a simple meeting of friends. I am wanting to verify my handiwork.”

“Uh-huh. I haven’t been on ice in eleven years.”

“Then it is about time you return. Five o’clock at the Seykord Arena.”

“Morning at Seykord Arena.” She nodded. “Wow, this takes me back.”

“You have been there before?”

“Occasionally. See you tomorrow.” She smiled and ended the call.

Ruby was still smiling when she went back to the table where the family was scowling.

James asked, “Did something happen?”

She smiled. “I am going skating tomorrow at five in the morning.”

The uncles jolted.

Leon asked, “I thought you didn’t like skating anymore after you had to back out?”

“I still love it; I just couldn’t go out without folks saying what a shame it was that I didn’t enter the Olympics.” She sat back down but was vibrating with excitement.

Grey looked at her in surprise. “Who has invited you? That early, it has to be a private reservation.”

“Uh, Rayden. He has gotten me some skates.”

Derrik asked, “You are meeting a near stranger?”