Page 108 of Patchwork Pixie

Ruby chuckled. “He left them up in his bedroom, and you are supposed to make a bed? You always do turndown service in your room.”

“That is because I am trying to get you to stay in with me longer.”

“Don’t you have to go litigate things or something?”

“I have been working after you sleep and then crawling back in with you and Rayden. Ark has been taking on my clients until the new year. An initial mating bond is important.”

“Yeah, I can tell you are very devoted to the... uh... bonding.”

Emmy cackled, and Marshall grinned, squeezing Ruby’s hand. “Isn’t Rayden doing his part?”

“Oh, he brings enthusiasm, stamina, and a weird sneak attack to the mix. He also curls around me like I am his teddy bear.” She huffed. “He can be really warm.”

Marshall chuckled. “That’s why I face you.”

“Your arm makes a good pillow,” She grumbled.

“You say the sweetest things.”

He laughed, and they reached the entrance where Rayden was holding the door open with a wide grin.

The hostess and staff were lined up, and not a crop top was seen. It was a nice family restaurant. There were even kids laughing and some shrieking inside the restaurant. A lot of them got quiet when their little group came in.

Not one of them was wearing a glamour, and it was causing notice.

The hostess led them to the rear of the restaurant, left menus in a booth, and left to get some water for them.

Marshall slid to the inside, Ruby was nudged into place next to him, and Rayden was on the outside. “Emmy, your guys are on the way. They got fussy about what to wear. They want to make a good impression.”

Emmy smiled. “I have already seen Lebor.”

Marshall nodded. “They are nearly here.”

Emmy fidgeted. “Is this outfit okay? I don’t want to disappoint them.”

Ruby smiled. “You are fine.”

The door opened, and the restaurant went quiet. It wasn’t from the presence of dark Elite, but Emmy’s second was a rather famous actor whose eyes scanned the restaurant before finding them and tapping Lebor’s arm.

They walked toward the table, and Rayden slid out of the booth to hug the newcomer, and he shook Lebor’s hand. Rayden turned and said, “Emmy, this is Bynard Thatcher. Bynard, this is my sister-in-law, Emerald.”

Ruby watched Emmy wave, and then Bynard stepped forward and lifted her hand to his lips. From her angle, she could see that he actually tasted her skin. He smiled shyly. “Miss, would you care to come over to our table so that we can get to know each other?”

Emmy sighed, “What if I said no?”

“I would ask for my meal to be served here.” His eyes glittered.

“Well, while I enjoy eating while standing, I think talking to people is best done while seated.” She looked at Ruby. “You are good?”

“I am good. And really warm.” Ruby smiled. “Do you need a ride home?”

“No. We will see her home.” Bynard smiled. “All very politely, I promise.”

Ruby nodded. “Right. Emmy, call if you need anything. Anything at all.”

Emmy paused, nodded, and then slid out of the booth where Bynard was waiting. He smiled brightly and walked her over to where Lebor was waiting.

Rayden grinned. “And now another is settled.”