“Just don’t let go.”Don’t let go—that was the thought that had been running through his head, every time he was around her, since the first time he taken her hand. It was new to him; every other woman he’d dated had always gripped too hard and made him want to bolt. He hadn’t wanted to stay with any of them.

He took things slow on the dirt lane, but once they were out on the main road, he edged the bike faster until he hit the sweet spot that made Carissa scream and laugh at the same time. Exhilaration, that’s what it was, and the way she pulled herself tighter against him when he hugged the turns made it even better.

He backed off the speed once they were closer to town. It was already more crowded than usual, as people came out early for the concert. Luckily parking wasn’t too hard to find for a motorcycle and there were still a few tables available at Cyprus Cafe.

He liked being seated across from her. Liked watching her study the menu, a little furrow appearing between her brows as she trailed a finger down the items.

She glanced up and caught him staring. “I don’t know what to get. What do you like here?”

“I’m mad keen for the baklava.”

“We can’t have baklava for dinner!” The way she looked so outraged at the suggestion made him smile.

“Why not? I think you should have whatever you want.”

“Because we’ll get hungry again in an hour if all we eat is sugar. I don’t do well when I’m hungry. You might remember.”

He supposed she had a point. “Well, if you insist baklava isn’t enough for dinner, then the pastitio is excellent. Thea makes it from scratch herself.”

“I’ll have that.” She set her menu aside and smiled at him. “What are you having?”

“I told you: the baklava.”

“Really? You’re impossible.” She’d mastered the ‘exasperated older sister’ look. “I hope you know I’m not sharing my pastitio with you.”

Their waiter came and Carissa placed her order.

“I’ll have what she’s having. Plus the baklava. Two orders of it.” As soon as he said it, her mouth dropped open, but she quickly recovered. “I like sharing, but only to a point.”

“You’re terrible, Big Nick.” Then she smiled at him. “Tell me about your mom. I think she must be a saint if you didn’t drive her absolutely crazy.”

“Ah, yeah. I drove her quite mad, especially when I was a teenager. But she has a good sense of humour. Likes to say I gave her grey hair and kept her young and scared all the blokes away who might’ve been second husband material.”

“Will you see her for Christmas? Does she live around here?”

“Yeah, she’s over near Tamworth, so I’ll drive out that way for the day. I was actually on my way to visit her when Heath called to see if I could pick you up at the airport.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry I intruded on your visit!”

He waved her remark away. “No worries. As soon as she hears how it turned out, she’ll forgive me.”

“How did it turn out?”

“Me on a date with a nice girl. She’s always going on about how I’ve had enough adventures for the both of us, and now she wants to see me settled. Says she has no intention of being a ‘cat grandmother.’ She’ll be ecstatic you dragged me to Carols by Candlelight.” It all spilled out of his mouth so fast, he didn’t think about how much he’d revealed of himself until it was too late. “What’s your mum like?”

As soon as he asked it, he wished he hadn’t. The change in her was immediate, tension evident in her posture.

“A disaster.” If she was going to elaborate, it didn’t happen because then their food arrived. He watched as she took a bite of the pastitio. “But this is excellent.”

He knew an intentional subject change when he heard one and as much as he wanted to know more, he wasn’t going to press. This night was about fun.

By the time they’d eaten their dinner and dessert and he’d paid the cheque, it was almost time for Carols by Candlelight. He held out his arm for her. “Shall we walk? It’s not far.”

“Look at you being the gentleman again.” She gave him a little smile before threading her arm through his.

The whisper of her skin against his felt better than it should have, especially when it was so hot and humid. As if by reflex, his other hand covered hers.

“Look at that sunset.” She pointed at the brilliant blood-orange wash of colour across the horizon, which made for a stark contrast against the dark clouds looming. “Is there supposed to be a storm tonight?”