Her phone pinging startled her from the nap she was sinking into. It was Lena texting her the pictures she’d taken and a one word message:
get out here. Lachie needs rescuing
OMG did you fall asleep on the couch again???
She was too busy looking at the pictures to respond. In every frame, Lachlan’s eyes were on hers, theheatof his gaze evident. She hadn’t been imagining how he’d leaned into her, or how there was nothing chaste about that kiss at all. Anyone could see the attraction between them. At least it semi-justified her being laid out on the couch like a fainting Victorian lady.
The door eased open, then quietly clicked closed.
“Carissa? Are you asleep again?” Lachlan’s warm, soft, deep voice filled the silence.
She hastily flipped her phone over, leaving the screen flat on her stomach. “Almost.” Her voice came out husky, as if to prove the lie.
“Lena sent me to come get you. Everyone’s gone home and she and Heath are hanging out on the porch.” Quiet footsteps approached. “Come on, sweetheart.” His fingers slid under hers as he took her hands and gently tugged, until she was sitting up.
“I’m just so tired.” It came out plaintive and she hoped he couldn’t tell she was talking about more than being physically tired. “I didn’tmeanto fall asleep again!” She really hadn’t, and she could easily claim her jet lag was still off the charts, because it was. But the truth was she was tired of all the doubt and uncertainty in her life. It wasn’t just that she’d given in to an attack of doubt about Lachlan. It wasn’t only that her entire life back home had disintegrated. It was everything, all together. As hard as she tried to plan everything and keep her ducks in a row, nothing ever went the way she expected.
“How about we leave Heath and Lena alone, and get you upstairs and into bed, yeah?”
“Bed is good.” She must’ve been deeper asleep than she’d realised, because she was barely putting sentences together.
“I agree.” He gently pulled her to her feet, and then before she knew what was happening, he’d bent at the waist and was throwing her over his shoulder, in a fireman’s carry.
She shrieked, fully awake now. “Oh my god, what are you doing?”
“Exactly what I said. Taking you to bed, Ladybug.” His arm was across the backs of her thighs, just under the hem of her skirt, the warmth of his touch radiating everywhere, making her go heavy and loose-limbed . If his mistletoe kiss had sent her into overwhelm, it was nothing compared to the way she felt as he carried her up the stairs, as easily as if she weighed nothing.
With his free hand he opened the door to her bedroom, and was across the room in three huge strides. Then, with one hand cradling the back of her head, his fingers threading through her hair, he eased her onto the bed. For a split second, she thought maybe she was going to get what she wanted, without having to ask for it. She’d been an idiot, doubting that kiss. She was going to find out what he’d meant when he’d said he’d treat her. She was going to have her fling, and it was already so very good.
But he didn’t climb onto the bed after her the way she wanted, the way she expected. He leaned forwards, his lips against the shell of her ear. “I don’t want you to be tired. Goodnight, Carissa.” The whispered, breathy words raised goosebumps all down the right side of her body. “Sleep well.”
He slipped away, his hand smooth on the skin of her thighs, raising more goosebumps. And then he left her lying there, alone.
He’d carried her upstairs.Again. Only this time she remembered it and how he’d left her wanting.
She tossed and turned, her body craving his. On the other side of the bathroom door, he moved around in his room, the deep rumble of his voice as he talked to Pickle too low for her to make out the words. Then there was a rush of water as he turned on the shower. She waited for him to finish, forcing herself to stay awake, hoping he’d come back to her, but he didn’t.
‘I don’t want you tired,’ he’d said. What did that even mean? She hoped it meant that he wanted her fully present and awake if they were going to kiss again, for real. Or do something more than kiss. But what if he meant exactly what he’d said, that he wanted her to get some sleep? What if it meant he wasn’t actually interested in anything more with her?
She spent half the night trying to answer that question, spiraling back into doubt about everything all over again. Eventually, she’d drifted off. She woke again, fully dressed, in the pre-dawn gloom, strange clouds visible through her open window, hovering in the distance. She laid there, wondering what would happen if she just snuck through the bathroom and into his room. Despite telling herself she should take her own advice and go for it, she wasn’t brave enough to find out. Instead, she got up and got ready to join Lena for the morning’s exercise rides, figuring it wouldn’t hurt to try the partnership out before she committed to her decision.
“The results are in!” Lena held out her phone for Carissa to see the instant she walked into the barn.
“What results?” Carissa’s first thought was something to do with the horse who’d been colicking on the day she arrived—blood work or something like that.
“You and Lachlan are the clear winners! Your gingerbread village and ice rink already has twenty-seven votes. No one else is even close.”
“But it hasn’t even been that long. You should probably wait to call it.”
“Nope! I’m calling it now. You two have won the candles and the gift certificate to the Cyprus Cafe. Looks like you have a date to go on tonight.” Lena bounced her eyebrows, her expression far too knowing as they walked down the barn aisle, headed for the feed room, Copper trotting on ahead. “If you can manage to stay awake.”
“Leen.” Carissa put her hand on her friend’s shoulder to stop the flurry of words. “I was awake when he carried me upstairs last night. But he said he didn’t want me to be tired, and he just left. What guy does that? I don’t think he’s really that interested in me.”
“Are you insane?” Lena rolled her eyes harder than any tween girl. “Did you even look at those photos I sent you? I’ve never seen Lachie like that with anyone. I’ve never seenyoulike that with anyone. That kiss was fire.”
Carissa sighed. “I thought so too. But—”