Page 88 of Not A Peep

Apparently done with the conversation, he turns and opens the door. I hesitate before following him inside. The smell of food hits me again, just as it had done the night before. I hang the helmet on the hook and place the backpack on the ground by the door.

Trip leaves me at the door, disappearing out of sight. Not sure what I’m supposed to be doing, I walk slowly through the living room and into the kitchen, where I find Jason pulling food out of a bag.

He looks up and flashes me a grin. “Hey, I ordered Chinese food for us. Hungry?”

Food does sound nice. However, last time I ate here, I wasn’t a fan of the seating arrangements.

“Depends. Do you want me on my knees to eat?”

Jason shrugs as he turns and grabs plates out of a cabinet. “Up to you. Do you want to be on your knees?”

Before I can answer, Trip comes back in from the room in the back.

“If you’re unsure, just know thatIprefer you on your knees.” he states. Ah, there’s the asshole I know. I’m glad the gallant punch-an-asshole-in-the-face Trip has been put away.

I roll my eyes. “As if I care whatyouprefer.”

I turn back to Jason and take the plate he hands me. The three of us fill our plates and make our way into the living room. Both Trip and Jason flop down onto the couch and switch on the television. Again, I find myself hesitating. What do they want me to do here? It’s not like we’re friends. So how do I act? Do I join them? Am I expected to be doing something here? Should Iaskif I’m allowed to eat? Immediately, I push that last thought aside. I will not beaskingto do anything. Especially when it comes to a basic necessity.

Finally, I settle for eating at the counter. Just as I start to turn back around, Jason pats the seat beside him on the couch.

“Come here, dollie.”

I’m annoyed at the relief I feel at being given some direction. Picking up my plate and fork, I walk over and sit between the guys.

“Here,” Jason says and plops a dumpling onto my plate. “It’s pork, that ok?”

I nod and tear at it first. We’re silent as some action movie plays on the large flatscreen television. For the first ten or fifteen minutes, I sit there stiffly, eating and hyper aware of the two guys on either side of me. I can’t stop from stealing glances at them. Both Jason and Trip seem completely at ease. I guess I’m not their doll at the moment. The tension leaves my shoulders and I begin to relax. Soon, I’m tucking my feet under my butt and leaning back against the cushion, enjoying the movie.

It’s not until my plate is empty that I notice either guy’s position on the couch with me. At some point, Jason threw his arm to rest on the top of the cushion behind me and Trip scooted so close that our legs touch. I stiffen in surprise. Then, to my own amazement, I relax back into the cushion. This is… nice. Casual. Rather than be home on a Friday night by myself, I’m hanging out with two guys whowantto hang out with me.

My stomach rumbles, letting me know that one plate is not enough to make up for the lack of food today. I get to my feet reluctantly.

“Anyone want anything while I’m up?”

“Yeah, I’d like some more lo mein, thanks.” Jason hands me his plate and I take it. Trip simply waves me away when I look at him. As I move into the kitchen, Jason says softly. “You want to talk about it?”

“Talk about what?” Trip replies even quieter.

“The blood on your knuckles.”

I pause mid step before shaking off the surprise. How didn’t I notice Trip was bleeding? And how is it that Jason saw it? He’s been facing the television the entire time.


“Want me to clean that up for you?” Jason asks, unperturbed by the shortness in Trip’s tone.

There’s a pause before Trip asks, “How were you thinking about cleaning them?”

“Anyway you want.”

The suggestive tone surprises me. I look up from the food to watch Jason scoot across the couch, staring at Trip with a smile similar to the one he’d given me this morning. Trip grins at him and gives Jason his right hand.

“Lick it clean.”

Jason doesn’t hesitate. He takes Trip’s hands and laps at the wounds on his knuckles. My breath leaves me in a whoosh. Did he just… What is going on?

“Good boy,” Trip murmurs, pulling his hand away after a few moments. “Now how about you use that tongue for something else?”