Page 34 of Not A Peep

“What? I don’t get a plea for help?” Trip asks as he strolls back into the room with duct tape in his hand.

Duct tape? “No!”

I might as well be talking to the walls. Tape is ripped, and to my horror, it’s slapped between my legs to hold the vibrator in place.

“Thirty-two minutes, starts…” Grant pulls out his phone. “Now. We’ll see you when it’s over.”

Jason places a kiss on my forehead before getting up. To my dismay, they file out of the room, shutting off the lights and closing the door behind them.


Ilose count of the orgasms that wrack my body. I’m in so much pain and my body is so overly sensitive that even crying hurts. My wailing is ignored, and I give up once my voice sounds like a smoker’s. I fight it for the first ten to fifteen minutes. But my body soon becomes too tired to even do that. So I simply lay there as the vibrator works me up and sets me off over and over again.

Thirty-two minutes feels like a lifetime.

I don’t hear when the guys come back in. It hardly processes when the lights flicker on. All I can do is stare up at the ceiling, too lost in the recesses of my mind to function properly.

Someone speaks. The words drift through the air and dissipate before I can register what’s been said.

The voices sound like they’re coming from a distance. The tape stuck to my skin is ripped off quickly, and the vibrator is pulled out of me. I can barely tell. It feels like it’s still inside of me, vibrating. The handcuffs are removed next, starting with my ankles and then both of my wrists.ThatI do notice. But only because I can pull my limbs in and curl onto my side.

More words are spoken but I’m adrift in a sea of hypersensitivity and shock. The mattress dips and someone grabs my face with a harsh grip and turns it so that I’m forced to look up. Straight into Trip’s face. He snarls something. My gaze locks onto his lips as I try to understand what’s being said. He doesn’t keep talking though. Trip pulls his semi-hard dick out, digs his fingers into my jaw, and when my mouth pops open, he shoves himself inside of me. His musky scent hits me and the rough way he thrusts into my mouth starts to shake the shock away.

Someone calls to Trip. His name tickles my consciousness.

“No, herfirstpunishment is over,” Trip snaps as he sneers down at me. “This is your second punishment, doll. SUCK IT. Suck my dick, dollface!”

His dick grows hard in my mouth. I whimper as my shock continues to fade and he chokes me.

“Is this what aboydoes, dollface? Since you think that I fall under that category, you must know it all, huh?” He snarls. “Don’t ever fucking call me a boy again. Do you understand me?”

I don’t fight his grip or try to pull away as he forces himself as far down my throat as he can go. My throat convulses hard and my stomach twists. The gagging can’t be stopped, but my body remains limp otherwise. Suddenly, he pulls out of my mouth and cums all over my face. I squeeze my eyes shut. When he’s done, I can feel the mattress move. I peer through my eyelids just in time to be spit on.

“Fuck you, dollface,” Trip snaps, then climbs off the bed.

I curl tighter into a ball on my side and return to staring at the wall.

“Ah, well, that explains his bad mood now,” Jason’s voice drifts through the room as I listen to the soft shuffling of feet.

A towel slides across my face, removing the evidence of Trip’s anger. When I’m clean, Jason crouches beside the bed right in my line of sight and gives me a rueful smile.

“Trip doesn’t like to be compared to a child. He’s a bit touchy about it.” He reaches over and cups my face. “Grant probably would have taken some time off your punishment if we’d known Trip had something else planned.”

The sincere regret on his face doesn’t make me believe him one bit.

“Or not.” Grant’s objection comes from nearby. “Come on, dollface. We’re hanging out here for a little longer.”

I don’t react to their words.

“Come on, dollie, let’s go.” Jason scoops up the comforter, with me in it.

The jarring movement vanquishes the rest of the shock. I blink up into Jason’s face as he pulls me into his bare chest and carries me out of the room. How many times had I dreamed about him whisking me away somewhere in his strong arms? A small part wishes I could be thrilled that this is happening. And maybe a small part of me is. It’s just so small I can’t actually pinpoint where the joy is. What I can feel, however, is my oversensitive skin and the pain radiating from between my legs. There’s no stopping the groan that slips past my lips.

“I hope you learned your lesson,” Grant says from somewhere in front of us.

“Want a bath?” Jason asks with a bright smile, as if the idea of taking care of me excites him. “I can draw one up—”

“No, she’ll suffer through it tonight.”