Page 20 of Not A Peep

Only to smack the book out of my hand. It goes flying and lands a few feet away.

“What the fuck are you doing standing there like a fucking bimbo?” he hisses as he glares at me. “Pick it up.”

I don’t wait for him to grab my hair again. Quickly, I move away from him toward the book.

“Turn around and let us get a nice view of the goods,” Jason orders from his place on the couch.

Turn around? I stare at him incredulously as my body trembles. Can this get any more humiliating? Summoning as much dignity as I can muster, I turn around and bend over, giving Grant and Jason a view of my back side. I make quick work of picking up the book. As I turn around, Trip steps up, slaps the book out of my hands again and grabs my hips. I gasp, my hands flying to his chest, where I attempt to push away from him.

My hands hit hard muscle, unmoving and expansive.

“Would you look at this, boys? Our doll is starting to learn.” His dark gaze lingers on my face, taking in every little detail. It’s almost more disconcerting than if he just raked his eyes down my body. I feel eerily exposed as he stares down at me. “Get on your knees, dollface.”

“Is this what the arrangement will be then?” I ask him. “I’m supposed to just strut around and allow you three, and anyone else you invite into the mix, to manhandle me?”

“Yes and no,” Grant answers as Trip’s hands rise to my shoulders. I notice that his hands are rougher than the other two’s. Like he works with them.

Trip applies some weight to them and pushes me down to my knees. I go down slowly, my eyes never leaving his face. My own burns with embarrassment. Trembling, my hands curl into fists at my sides.

“As our doll, you’ll be treated as a toy. Love it, hate it, it doesn’t matter to us,” Grant continues. “But you’ll be a toy only for the three of us. No need to muddy the waters with loose tongues and dirty dicks.”

A shiver of unease is slow moving as it crawls down my spine.

“Come here, doll. Let’s seal this bargain the right way,” Grant calls.

Trip steps aside for me. I move to stand.

“Go to him on your knees, dollie,” Jason corrects.

I glance over at him. He shoots me another pleasant smile that brightens up his face. Using his hand, he ushers me forward. My heart slams in my chest as I lower my hands to the floor. My fingers sink into the rug.

I can do this,I remind myself as I start to move forward. If I can just focus on the nice rug beneath me, maybe I can block out—

“Look up at me as you come here,” Grant commands.

Damn him. With a great deal of effort, I raise my head and meet his gaze. His face is expressionless now, as he watches me. The confidence radiating off him heats my skin and draws more blood to my cheeks. I take a deep breath and start my trek toward him. Jason uses his foot to kick the coffee table out of my way as I approach.

Every little move threatens to expose my breasts to the room. And the guys know it. There’s no doubt in my mind that as I crawl, they’re waiting with bated breath. Rather than feeling repulsed, I suddenly feel emboldened. Theywantme. These three attractive young men want me, and right now, I have their sole attention. When was the last time I’d held anyone’s attention like this?

It could be the alcohol talking. Iama lightweight. But a new heat is starting to burn inside me, and it has nothing to do with embarrassment. A hand slides down my back, starting between my shoulder blades and running down my spine. This hand is soft, so it doesn’t belong to Trip. I stop crawling when I get to Grant’s knees.

He spreads his legs apart. “Hands on my thighs, dollface.”

My teeth clench together tight as I do as I’m told. His thighs arehard. I’m not sure why this comes as a surprise. Of course his legs would be muscular, he’s the running back.

“Pull my dick out of my pants,” he orders softly.

At this, I balk. “What? No.”

One of his brows raises. “Did you think we’d just dress you up for the fun of it, doll?”

Yes, that’s what I was hoping for. I don’t say this out loud though. Apparently, I don’t need to. Grant chuckles softly and says,

“We plan to use your body however we see fit. If we want you dressed a certain way, you will. If we want our cocks buried deep in your ass, bursting at the seams with our cum, we’ll have you that way too.” He sighs, his smile fading. “Now, take. My. Dick. Out.”

I can’t maintain eye contact anymore. The heat blossoming in my body cools a bit as I think about the implications of this arrangement. The soft hand that had run down my back returns, settling around the back of my neck.

“Come on, dollie. You’ll be fine, I promise,” Jason murmurs.