Page 100 of Not A Peep

“Before we dive in, I want to make a toast.” Grant lifts his glass in the air.

I take my glass and lift it with the others.

“Today we took a large step forward. While we may be a few more years off before business even begins, we now have a true starting point and that’s huge. Garry won’t go down easy, but if we can continue our quiet acquisition of investors and stick to the business plan, we’ll be set. We’ll wipe that fucker off the map. I think the property we decided upon has everything we could possibly want and need to help us succeed. But I don’t think I would’ve been as confident signing those papers if it hadn’t been for your help, Briella.”

I blink in surprise as all eyes fall on me.

“It was nothing.” My cheeks warm under their attention.

“It wasn’t nothing. Rachel should’ve been looking out for us, and she wasn’t. She was being lazy,” Jason grumbled.

“We’ll find someone else to represent us when we look to acquire more property,” Trip assures the rest of the table through clenched teeth.

Jason nudges his head toward me. “We have an agent.”

“She’s not licensed.”

Jason flashes me a grin. “Not licensed,yet.”

Before I can object, Grant clears his throat, and everyone falls silent again. When all eyes are on him, he continues.

“Things are only going to get harder from here on out. We’ll have to make greater sacrifices, but just remember they’ll be worth it. To hard work and a brighter future.” Grant looks at Trip and Jason, and finally at me. “For all of us.”

“Here, here!” Jason touts.

“Couldn’t have said it better,” Trip agrees before downing his drink.

Grant and I stare at each other over our glasses. I know nothing he says has to do with me, but I can’t stop the nagging feeling that maybe… maybe it does? No. Mentally, I shake my head. I’m being ridiculous. I bring the glass to my lips, still holding his gaze, and take a swig of champagne.

As I pull my glass away, I add, “And while you look to your future, don’t forget to appreciate the smaller conquests that paved a way to your greatness.”

Grant nods once before sipping his drink.


My least favorite thing about cooking is the cleaning up afterward. So when the guys offer to do it without any prompting, I’m both surprised and relieved.

And maybe a bit suspicious.

This seems too reasonable and nice for them. But as I step away, no one yells ‘psych!’ or ‘get on your knees and suck my dick while I scrub this dish.’ Watching them joking and bickering as friends as they work is adorable. But I don’t want to stand around awkwardly watching, and I’m not sure how to interact with them. So, I wander out of the room. My eyes flicker to the hallway that leads to the guest room. I guess I could hang out there. But if I do that, it’ll feel like I’m hiding away from them.

My attention shifts to the couch. I guess I could hang out there. A shiver of awareness crawls down my spine as I think about what I’ve done there.Willingly. What is wrong with me? Why can’t I keep them at arm’s length when they aren’t trying to actively ruin my life? And why did they allow me to run the show last night? This whole situation is a mess. I don’t know where I stand here. Uncertainty knots my stomach. I loathe uncertainty. The indecision is what causes me to move forward. I don’t belong here, but going home isn’t an option. Someday soon, I’m going to need to figure all that out.

Actually, I can do it right now. Since I have a few minutes to myself, I’ll do a little research now. I walk over and grab my phone out of my purse that’s hanging on a hook by the front door, and then flop down onto the couch. After finding some superhero movie to put on in the background while the guys work, I start scrolling on my phone.

Time to find a new place to live.

I’ll have to have my current place cleaned, but that’ll be easier than finding something affordable in the area. It doesn’t take long for me to get lost in the thrill of the hunt. Finding a place that isn’t full of students or faculty is a bit difficult but if I just expand my search…

“What are you looking at so intensely?” Jason’s sudden appearance at my side has me flying six inches off the cushion as he flops down beside me.

Before I can respond, he plucks the phone from my hand and stares at the list of results.

“Hey!” I try to grab my phone back, but he twists, putting his back to me.

“You’re planning on moving?” he asks, surprised.

“Well, yeah. Why wouldn’t I?” I stand on the couch cushion and try to reach over to his shoulder to snatch my phone back. He laughs before shoving his free hand into my face to keep me away like a linebacker.