Page 91 of Not A Peep

“You think you have it good? She’s so fucking wet, Jay,” Trip grunts beneath me. “So fucking tight and perfect.”

Their words cause my body to spasm around both of them and they groan in unison.

“You good, dollie?”

“I’d be better if we started moving!” I cry out, feeling overwhelmed with the sensations rushing through me.

My heart is slamming against my ribs so hard I’m afraid they’re going to crack. I’m stretched to the brim and instead of it being painful, I feel like a flower in full bloom. Trip and Jason’s hands move all over me. Their lips reach wherever they can. I bask in their affection and cry out with joy as we all begin to move. It takes a moment for us to find a rhythm, but when we do, I’m riding a new high. One I know I’ll crave forever after this.

Fingers tease and pinch at my nipples, others tease my clit. Their hot breath hits me from the front and back. Our limbs are tangled together, and for a moment, we’re one. I’m reaching the peak, the height of my pleasure. My body tightens as my breathing quickens. Just as I’m closing in on my orgasm, the front door opens.

We all freeze as Grant steps into the apartment. He pauses mid stride, the door slamming shut behind him, as his eyes land on us.

“The last member of the party has arrived,” Trip growls. “About damn time.”

Grant doesn’t say anything. Dressed in workout shorts and a shirt, and carrying a large duffle bag in hand, he looks like he just got home from the gym. Was he at a late practice? A game? Grant’s wavy hair is in disarray, his shirt wet with sweat. Slowly, he dumps the bag on the floor. He kicks off his shoes and moves toward us. His eyes are locked on my face as he approaches. He’s the king of the jungle here. I can feel the power hanging around him in the air. It’s in the way he holds my gaze and how the other two have stopped breathing. Grant is the leader of this pride and he’s come home to us.

My body spasms so hard both Jason and Trip jerk and gasp, feeling every twitch and grip of my muscles.

“You,” I whisper breathlessly. “I wantyou.”

Grant stops in front of me, his expression unreadable. Slowly, ever so slowly, he leans down and captures my mouth with his. I groan into his mouth as Grant’s tongue forces mine open. As if his kiss breaks the spell over us, we all start moving again. We find our rhythm quickly. Grant’s fingers weave through my curls that have fallen free of the ponytail I had it in. He smells of sweat and a hint of cologne. I moan into his mouth again as my pleasure intensifies.

My orgasm comes on with the force of an avalanche.

It starts in my toes, curling them. My legs quake and the tremor rides through my hips, into my stomach, and lands in my chest. There, it explodes outwards into my arms, fingers, neck, and face. I don’t know if I scream. The pleasure is so blinding that everything turns black, and for a moment in time, I can only feel peace.

When the world returns, I’m lying flat on Trip, breathing heavily. His cock twitches inside of me as he finishes his own release, and a moment later, Jason stills with a roar as he comes inside of me. I groan as I feel every last drop fill me until I’ve gotten exactly what I wanted.

“You look like a cat with a bowl of milk,” Grant mutters above me somewhere. I’m not sure who he’s talking to, but I smile at the analogy.

A hand runs down my back before Jason pulls out of me. I wince at the stinging pain but it’s brief.

“How do you feel, dollface?” Trip asks as Jason lifts me off him.

“Amazing,” I murmur, my smile stretching even further.

“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up,” Jason says as my eyelids flutter closed.

I think I protest, promising that I’ll clean up in a minute. But if I do, I don’t quite remember as darkness envelops me.


Iwake early the next morning in an unfamiliar bed. My body is sore, but I feel clean. The smell of something lightly floral rising off my skin is pleasant. Flashes of standing in a shower, with large soapy hands sliding over me and fingers deep inside me cause my body to shiver with phantom aftershocks.

Where am I?

Two bodies are pressed against mine, both overly warm. The person behind me is so close that I can feel the soft beating of their heart against my back. I sit up cautiously, not wanting to wake anyone. It feels early, and I’m sure they all want to sleep in on their Saturday. Glancing down, I find myself in someone’s oversized shirt and my panties. When did I put those on? I must’ve really been out of it last night.

Blinking to clear my vision, I find Jason laying behind me and Trip on my other side. Where’s Grant? And why am I not in the guest room? I look around, but there’s not much to look at. There are large dressers pressed against the wall, a chair with a pile of clothes on it, and a closet door. Where are the posters of women or sports stars? Why doesn’t it smell like a locker room in here? And no dirty clothes on the floor? Impressive.

Whose room is this? Do they share it? Judging by the sheer size of the bed, I wouldn’t be surprised if they did. I suppose it’s possible that they use the guest room for extracurricular activities when they bring hookups over.

As I ponder the logistics of three guys that aren’t mutually exclusive sharing one room, my stomach growls. My curiosity is superseded by the need to find some food. I never did get to eat that second plate of Chinese last night. Carefully, I wiggle free from the covers and scoot off the bed. I wait a second, checking that both guys are still asleep behind me before leaving the room.

I head to the kitchen and start rummaging through the cabinets and refrigerator. Last night, I felt weird about being here, this morning however, I have a moment to myself to dig around. To my surprise, the kitchen is well stocked. Someone must be able to cook because there are a ton of seasonings and random ingredients. Given that Jason made food a few nights ago, I’m banking on it being him. As I get a feel for all that’s here, I start pulling out the things I need. While I start to whip together some eggs, cinnamon, and sugar, I hear a phone vibrate. I pause.

Oh, that’s mine!