Page 120 of Not A Peep

“What, Trip?”

There’s a long pause. As I wait for him to say something, his breathing begins to even out and the tension in his face eases.


When he doesn’t respond, it’s clear that the alcohol has gotten the best of him.

I should kick him out, send him home. If I lay here with him, I’ll breathe in his scent, or worse, curl up against him. Maybe I’ll cave and decide that I could be just their toy? I grimace. No, I can’t do that. Not anymore. But I can’t let him drive drunk either, which is how, I’m guessing, he got here in the first place. My eyes drift over to the closed door that’s clearly no longer locked. How’d he get in?

With a huff, I turn off the light and try to put some distance between us. As my head hits the pillow, his slurred voice drifts through the darkness.

“Bri… Can’t you tell I love you?”

My breath catches in my throat and my heart comes to an abrupt halt.

“You do?” I curse the strangled sound of hope laced in between the two words that tumble past my lips.

A snore is the only response I get. Letting out my breath slowly, I will my heart to return to normal. He’s just sleeping-talking.

“Goodnight, Trip.”


Sometime in the middle of the night, while my dreams ran rampant, my heart and mind formulated a plan. One that could give me everything I want, as long as everyone was onboard.

The following morning, I’m practically buoyant as I climb out of bed. I check the football schedule and,yes! Tonight is one of the last home games until homecoming. Perfect. Quickly and quietly, I get ready for work. Before leaving, I make sure there is an alarm set on Trip’s phone so he won’t miss whatever work obligations he has.

When I get to Groveton College, rather than head toward the library, I make my way to the college store. With a quick search through the racks, I pick a few things out, buy them, and then rush to the library, showing up right on time.

I’m anxious for most of the day. Trip doesn’t text me, but I don’t expect him to. The guys haven’t reached out at all. Despite the frequent appearances, they’ve all but left me alone. That’s ok though. Tonight, the four of us will talk and decide what, if anything, we’re going to be. The day moves by sluggishly, butfinally, when five o’clock rolls around and Megan takes my place, I’m hurrying into the break room to change and head to the game.

* * *

Around me,the crowd roars. I’m a bit late to the party, but I cheer too. I wave my pompom in the air and cheer along with everyone. My Groveton College sweatshirt helps me blend in with the rest of the student body. My matching Groveton College skirt though, might have been a mistake. It isn’t really all that practical for an evening game in late Fall.

For the first three quarters, I searched for Trip and Jason. I know they’re here somewhere. According to their social media posts, they’re with a handful of people. I’ve memorized the faces in the pictures of the people that were with them at the tailgating party, but I don’t see them anywhere. Of course, that could be because nearlyeverystudent is in attendance to cheer on our team.

Even if I did see them now, it’s not like I would make myself known. Not because I don’t want to be seen mingling with students. At this point, I could play off mingling with them because, well,everyoneis mingling with each other tonight. But I have something to say, and being surrounded by a bunch of people when I say it doesn’t feel right.

So I cheer and boo, whistle and hoot, for an entire football game, despite not understanding a single moment of it.

When the game is over, I file out with the rest of the crowd. Rather than head to my car, I slip away toward the locker rooms. Anyone not part of the team isn’t allowed down here, but no one seems to notice me as I slip by security and pass team members as they talk and laugh as they head out for the evening.

When the door to the men’s locker room comes into view, I hang back and lean against the wall and wait. This isn’t ideal. I could be escorted out by any of the assistant coaches, or security once they realize I’m not supposed to be here, but this is worth the risk.

I hold my breath each time the door opens. My palms are sweaty, and my heart is beating frantically in my chest. There’s a chance that this could end with me heading to my car alone. But given what Grant said in the car, what Jason’s been saying all along, and what Trip said last night, I have a smidgen of hope that maybe, just maybe, this could all work out. Still, I wait with bated breath.

Nearly all the team has left by the time Grant steps out. Dressed in just joggers and a sweatshirt, he’s smiling and mid-conversation with one of his other team members. He doesn’t see me right away. The guy with him laughs, and together they move toward me. When Grant’s gaze finally falls on me, my heart skips a beat.

His cheeks are slightly pink, warm from the shower he’d just clearly taken. Water still drips from his wet hair and a towel hangs around his shoulders. I watch as his brows raise in surprise. What? He’s not happy to see me? I could’ve sworn…

Ok, well, maybe this is a bad idea. Why did I think I’d be able to read him? If he wore any other expression, I’d know what to say. But my nerves fray like a lit fuse, and suddenly I’m unsure about everything.

As the two football players approach, Grant turns to his teammate and says, “Let me catch up with you in a bit, ok?”

His friend huffs and says, “You’re not bailing on me tonight, are you? You didn’t show for the last party. This is going to be huge, Gipson.”

“We’ll see,” is all Grant says as he comes to a stop in front of me. His teammate finally notices me, and I watch as a knowing look flickers across his face.