Page 108 of Not A Peep

I gasp. Joey’s alive? H-how? I could have sworn… I shake my head, unable to process what I’m hearing.

“No? Don’t believe me? How else would I know who was behind it?” Danny sneers into my face. His hand slides from my shirt to around my neck. His fingers wrap around my throat and squeeze. I gasp. Or try to. My air supply is effectively cut off. “He’s lucky I found him that night. The bastard nearly bled out before I got a chance to make things right with him. As it was, your little stunt with your car put him in a coma for an entireyear.When he woke up, he was quick to let me know who did it.”

Desperate for air, I claw at Danny’s face with my free hand. He laughs and hits me again across the face with his other hand. He lets go of my throat, and I sag to the side. The pain is unbelievable. I can feel blood trickle down my face. One of his rings must’ve broken through skin.

“We plotted out his revenge for you and his stupid fucking ex. Right down to the T,” Danny continues as he climbs onto the bed. Groaning, I try to shift away from him, but with my hand cuffed, I have nowhere to go. “You know, we went to his boss first. You should be thankful that piece of shit leader of the Firebirds, Cass, was tired of my brother’s bullshit and wanted nothing to do with him, or we’d have had an entire posse come after the two of you.”

“Y-you’re crazy. I don’t know what you’re talking about…” I mutter weakly.

“Crazy?Crazy?” Danny laughs hard. “You know what’s crazy? What we had planned for you instead, when Cass wouldn’t help us. Me and Joey, peeling the fucking skin off your bones… Keeping you conscious the whole time. It was a pretty amazing plan, if I do say so myself.”

I look up at him in horror. “What? No! You can’t!”

Danny rolls his eyes. “You’re right, I don’t have the time. Besides, it was more for Joey than me, since he’s into drawing a little blood. Luckily for you, Joey up and killed himself.”

Wait, what? So Joeyisdead? The relief of that knowledge doesn’t do anything to chase away the terror of this moment.

“Don’t look so fucking pleased, bitch. You paralyzed him from the waist down. He killed himself because of whatyoudid to him, Briella.Youultimately killed him. So, now I’m going to take your life. But not before I have some fun with you.”

As he talks, his voice grows louder. His face turns red as he unzips his pants and fumbles trying to take out his dick. Bile raises up my throat and a surge of adrenaline pumps through my veins. With a scream, I manage to buck him off enough to pull my leg up and kick him in the face. He screams as my heel makes contact with his nose. Blood sprays everywhere as he falls onto his back on the mattress. With renewed energy, I yank at my hand stuck to the bed. At the same time, I start screaming with all my might.

“Shut up, you fucking cunt!” he roars and lunges for me.

“Get off me! Help! Help!” I scream louder as I kick and flail around with all my might.

He grabs my legs with both hands and slams them down on either side of him. Tears spill down my face as I shake my head back and forth in denial. I don’t stop screaming or fighting as he scoots forward.

“No one is coming to rescue you. God has damned you and is allowing me to take my revenge on behalf of my brother,” he declares triumphantly, one hand coming around my throat to cut off my scream. His other hand goes between his legs. His hips scoot forward, and I can feel the tip of his dick at my entrance. “I have his confession all on tape. I recorded it and played it for the two of us over and over to remind ourselves why you needed to die. Even though the bastard’s gone, I still listen to it every day to give me the strength to take you the fuck out. When I’m done here, I’ll finally be able to throw that wretched thing away.”

As the air in my lungs is cut off once again, Danny leans forward so that I can see him. Blood from his nose drips down onto my face. The warmth of it is sickening. “I was going to kill your friend first. I wanted you to feel an ounce of what I felt when my brother was taken from me,twice. I watched and waited, but she’s a skittish thing, isn’t she? Paranoid. I couldn’t get close. So I figured, why not go after the bitch whoactuallykilled him. He was an asshole, that’s for sure. But that didn’t mean he deserved to die!”

“He was going to kill… her…” I rasp as best I can.

“Doesn’t matter! You’re the one who ended a life!” He throttles me. “I’msogoing to enjoy this… Maybe I’ll keep your corpse in my car and keep you until your limbs fall off from rot. How does that sound? I’ll fuck with you even in death!”

Danny tries to plunge his dick into me, his hips surging forward, but my constant fighting makes it too difficult.

“Hold fucking still, you stupid bitch!”

No, this is a nightmare. This isn’t happening. Iwon’tlet this happen. Desperation lends me strength and I yank at my trapped hand. Pain flares up and my thumb snaps loudly as I pull my hand free. I don’t hesitate. Using that bout of adrenaline, that same hand slams into his injured nose. Danny roars in pain.

Before he can compose himself, I throw all my energy into knocking him off me. I scratch and claw, forcing him to fall to the side. Scrambling off the other side of the bed, I attempt to run to the door. Danny is there though, blocking the way.

“Help! Help!” Tears spill down my face as I meet his murderous gaze.

He lunges for me. I stumble backward, out of reach. With a roar, he grabs for me again as I try to run out of the door. Twisting out of reach, I try to duck under him. It’s the wrong move. He tackles me. The back of my head hits the floor. and for a moment, my body goes limp as unconsciousness threatens to drag me under.

“When I couldn’t find you at your apartment last week, I thought I’d lost my chance, so I threw a fit,” he snarls as he punches me in the ribs over and over. I can’t breathe. Every time his fist lands on my body, the harder it is to remain conscious. “Thankfully, I managed to catch up to you after school and saw who you took off with. I followed you, watched you get rutted like a damn bitch in heat on the side of the road, and then followed you here. And here is where you’ve been ever since. All I had to do was bide my time again. Seeing you like this has made all the waiting worth it.”

The beating pauses as he sits up and reaches behind him. I drag in shaky breaths, hating the pain that flares up in my ribs as I do. With a groan, I try to push at his chest. It’s a weak attempt at best. He doesn’t even acknowledge it. Instead, he pulls out a gun and points it at my face.

My stomach can’t drop any further than where it is at the moment, so instead it deflates. I stare up into the barrel of the gun.

“Please, don’t do this.Please.”

“How about I fuck you with this thing, huh? Like that idea?” Danny laughs. “I sure fucking do. Maybe I’ll put it in your ass while I take your filthy puss from the front.”

One mistake three and a half years ago has led me to this very moment. I don’t regret it, knowing that I managed to save my friend. Even as I stare death in the face, I stand by my decision. But this isn’t fair. Why will he get away with it and not me? No one will know who broke in here and killed me. No one will ever think to connect me to Danny, especially since it’s clear neither man went to the police to tell them what happened. No, they wanted revenge, and the police would’ve gotten in their way. So as my body rots and is forgotten, Danny will have gotten away with murder with no one the wiser.