He kissed my forehead. “I’m going to keep cherishing you. Always.” I closed my eyes and went to sleep, knowing my alpha bear was watching over me and our newborn cubs.



Brennan turned hishead to look at me. “Can you believe we have four of ‘em?” We asked ourselves that question a lot these days.

The family was hanging out at home, us lounging on wicker recliner with plush cushions while our kids played on a slide, under the watchful eyes of both us and our nannies. As I watched my oldest children screaming and running and having the time of their young lives, my mind filled with wonder at the little people I loved so much.

“Yes and no. I mean, I knew I wanted more kids someday. I never thought my life would look quite like this.” I cast my eyes around the kid’s huge playroom. It looked like someone had put a private, and much fancier, McDonald’s playplace inside our house, just for us. I looked at Brennan, still surprised after all this time.I still can’t believe you’re the one fate chose for me.

Holden screamed and ran in a circle before flinging himself into the ball pit and climbing up the netting to go down the slide. Petey was walking now, and once he learned to walk, he decided he wanted to run. All. The. Time. He tried his best to keep up with his big brother. Holden ran circles around him, but Petey just laughed and screamed all the same. The twins were on a play mat not far away, napping. They were curled up together, forming a perfect ball of silky brown fur. One wet black nose poked out, snuffling softly.

I would have lived with Brennan in a trash can, but this? This was much better.

Impulsively I blurted out, “I want more.”

“Do you? I was thinking the same thing, but I wasn’t sure if I should bring it up or not. It’s your body, after all.” That was why I loved my alpha. All of his money and power, and he still deferred to me about my bodily autonomy. It made me want to get pregnant again even more.

“When you talk like that, I get more fertile.”

“Oh, yeah?” He perked up, his ears turning furry and brown, swiveling toward me to better hear me talk about how much I want him.

“That’s right. See if you can hear this, Big Bear.” I lowered my voice to a whisper. “If you can catch me, we can try. Race you to the bedroom.” I jumped up and dashed off, safe in the knowledge that we had people we trusted to take care of our kids while we went to make more.

Behind me, Brennan let out a low bear rumble and I knew I was in trouble. The best kind. The kind I wanted to be in forever.