Indeed, there was knocking at the door and the frantic voices of the domestic team coming through the wood. Brennan shouted something at them, but I couldn’t really hear it. The floor vibrated a little with footsteps, but of how many people, I couldn’t be sure. I wasn’t paying attention to what anybody else was doing.

The first baby began to emerge and with them came the burning. I didn’t like it the first time I was in labor, and I sure as hell didn’t like it now. I screamed. People burst through the bathroom door. I looked up, blearily recognizing a few faces. I let my eyes fall shut. I wasn’t done. I had to push.

Brennan’s voice cut through the fog. “It’s okay, Riley. I got you. Everybody’s here to help.” My alpha was there with me. I leaned my forehead onto his shoulder and screamed again, pushing for all I was worth.

“Good. You’re doing so good.” I kept it up, screaming and pushing, until finally baby A slid free and into the world.

“A girl,” some faraway voice said, and I looked up to see a tiny body in someone’s hands, bending and stretching, croaking as they took air into their lungs for the first time.

“Hi, sweetheart,” I whispered, overcome.

“It’s a baby,” Brennan said in shock. “Our baby.”One of two,I thought, as another contraction ripped through me. I pushed, and I thought the second baby would come out easier than the first, but they seemed even larger than their sister.

“These babies have to be bears,” I grunted, “No way they’re squirrels.”

The medical team didn’t even have time to help me change positions, that’s how fast baby number two followed their sister. The problem was, their head was big. A big baby who was in a rush was not fun. I screamed even louder than before.

It felt like an eternity, but in the blink of an eye, I had twin babies, both girls.

I blinked in disbelief. “They’re huge! I mean, they felt huge on the way out, but wow.” The medical team helped me to bed. It looked like a whole hospital wing had assembled in our bedroom in a matter of minutes. It paid to have a billion dollars at your disposal when you had a medical emergency.

They examined me and the babies, got their cords cut and took care of the placenta. The staff all piled around, hands clasped together, eyes tearing and faces bright, as proud as of the new lives I just brought into the world as if they were their own children. In a way, they were. It was a team effort, and I couldn’t have done any of it without them.

“Thanks, everybody. You’ve been so good to me on this entire journey, from when I was a nanny who was brand new to your household, to finding my mate and bringing my newest babies into the world. You’re the best.” Everybody replied with “you’re welcomes,” and “our pleasures” and the sincerity was plain in their voices.

Just that little speech exhausted me, and my whole lower body was pulverized like I had been put through a juicer. I leaned back on the pillows, glad there were a couple under my elbows to help me support my newborns. I was happy, but exhausted.

Brennan put on his billionaire voice. “Time to go, everybody. Riley’s tired, and we need some alone time.”

“Yes, sir,” they said, and shuffled quickly out of the room and out of the doorway. The medical team withdrew as well, leaving us with instructions to notify the on-call nurses who’d be staying in a room nearby if there was any cause for concern.

We called the new hires helping us with childcare to bring Petey and Holden to meet the girls. Petey stared with interest, blinking his eyes like an owl., but not sure what to make of the whole scene. Holden, however, fell in love immediately.

He put his hands to his cheeks like an old grandma. “Awwwww, they’re so cute. Are they ours? We get to keep them?”

“Yes, sweetheart, these are the babies that were in Daddy’s belly. You have new little sisters now. You’re a big brother three times.” I held up three fingers.

He jumped around, waving his arms. “New little sisters, new little sisters!”

“Are you gonna be our big helper with them, too?” Brennan asked.

“Yeah!” He cheered.

“Great, because you’re doing such a good job with Petey. They’re going to need your help.”

I spoke in a hushed voice. “Can we have some quiet time now? We want to get some sleep.”

“Okay.” He crawled up onto the bed with us and leaned on Brennan’s arm, smashing half of his face into Brennan’s shirtsleeve as he looked at the twins with open curiosity and wonder. Brennan gathered him up, cradling both Petey and Holden. One of our new nannies, thankfully ready to be on call immediately, snapped some family photos for us. Our first pictures as a happy family of six.

I giggled. “We have our hands full, literally.”

“Can you believe we have four of ‘em?”

I lifted an eyebrow. “After what I just survived? Damn right, I can.”

“Thank you. I’m so proud of you.”

“Thank you, for cherishing me the way an alpha should.”