
We settled in as afamily quickly and easily, as if it had always been that way. The pieces just fit. It was like some sort of divine intervention. Our fates finally combining in just the right way.

Holden was the best big brother to Petey, always checking on him and helping us with him. Brennan had hired two other nannies, so I was officially out of a job unless I wanted one, and with a billionaire mate, there was no better way to be unemployed. I’d start working again soon, because I was sure I’d be bored eventually, but in the meantime I was taking full advantage of not having to work.

I had other reasons for not rushing back to work.

Two weeks after our trip, Brennan and I were getting dressed side-by-side at our couples’ sink. I was lapping up my new life of luxury, along with the attention of my alpha. Our partnership was already so strong I couldn’t believe it.

“You know, I think we brought something back with us from the trip,” I said as I powdered my nose.

“What, like those boots you like so much?” He came up behind me, pressing his massive manhood into my back as he towered over me. “You’ll have to wear those to bed sometime.”

“Whatever my alpha wants, he gets,” I giggled, looking at the two of us in the mirror. What a sight we were. I pointed to my belly. “I mean we brought something here.”

He immediately went into protective mode, squeezing my shoulder. “What, like a stomach bug? Do you feel sick? I’ll call the doctor.”

I smirked. “Actually, that’s a good idea.” But not for the reasons he thought.I’ll have a little fun with him. Play a little prank. I can’t wait to see his face when he finds out.

Our family doctor showed up almost immediately, bag of tricks in hand. “What seems to be the problem, Riley?”

“Oh, there’s no problem,” I replied, nonchalantly.

Brennan’s voice dropped an octave. “You said you felt sick.”

I examined my fingernails. “I didn’t say that.”

“You said we brought something home and it’s in your belly.”

I pointed at him and put a fingertip to my nose. “Yes,that’swhat I said.”

Brennan put his hands on his hips and pouted, and it shouldn’t have been that cute. “What’s with the riddles, baby? You’re making me worried.”

I cupped his cheek in one hand. “I’m sorry, I’m just teasing. Like the classic song says, don’t worry, be happy. Doc,” I turned to him, “I need a pregnancy test.”

The doctor chuckled and wagged a finger in the air. “Ah. It all make sense now.”

Brennan’s jaw hit the floor. “You need apregnancytest? Are you sure?”

“Sure enough that I think the test is only a formality.”

The look on his face was priceless. “I can’t believe it.”

I waggled my eyebrows. “Why not? After what we did on the trip? After what we’ve been doing lately?”

The doctor turned away to dig into his bag, clearing his throat and hiding his smirk. “I’ll get the test set up.”

He gave me a blood serum pregnancy test that would only take a couple of hours for the results. Brennan paced back and forth the whole time, extending his bear claws so he could bite them with abandon.

The results were exactly what I knew they would be.

The doctor showed us the results on his iPad. “Riley, you are unequivocally with child. Or children, as it were.”

Brennan’s normally very serious face lit up with a child-like glee. “Riley, you’re pregnant. You’re having my baby. Or babies.” He picked me up and spun me around. I threw back my head and laughed, body bursting with the delight of being loved, and with carrying the evidence of that love in my womb. Brennan kissed me, soft and sweet, before carefully placing me back on my feet.

He knelt down in front of me so he was eye-level with my belly, placing a huge paw right over my navel. “I can’t believe my child is in there. Another of my children. We already have such a beautiful family, this baby is just going to add to the love.” He stood up, again, towering over me, and put his arms around my waist. “You already came along and completed me. Now that I have you and the kids, I’m whole. This baby is just the cherry on top. Thank you.”

“Congratulations, love birds.” The doctor laid a hand on Brennan’s arm, and it seemed that he knew how much Brennan had been wanting this.How did I get so lucky?He turned to me. “We’ll start your prenatal care right away.”