“No, I’m sorry. Super Canine is on duty.”

The kids all leave as they wave and say goodbye to Super Canine.

Allyssa closes the door and smiles at me. “See, Rosie’s disguise is a big hit.”

“With ten year olds.”

She walks to me and puts her hands on my chest. “Is the high school jock ready to go to the party?”

“Yes. And this year he has a date with the head cheerleader.”

“You had a date with her last year, too. You just didn’t realize it.”

I smile at her. “I was young and dumb back then.”

“And what are you now?”

I think for a moment. “Older. And still kind of dumb. But I’m apparently smart enough to talk the cheerleader into putting up with me for a year.”

She steps back. “It’s our one year anniversary?”

“How could you not know that?”

She smiles. “I didn’t forget.” She looks at the plastic ring she’d been wearing since last Halloween. “I’m reminded of it every time I see my beautiful ring.”

I take her hand and kiss the ring. “Let’s go. We’ll put the candy and the note on the porch on the way out.”

We leave the house and drive through town to Freddy’s. Since we’re a little late, I have to park on the street again. I take Allyssa’s hand and we walk three blocks. We can hear the party when we get within a block of the building.

Allyssa shakes her head. “Wow. The cops are rowdy tonight.”

“Half the people in there are lawyers.”

“I know. The quiet half.”

We go inside and make the rounds, saying hi to everyone. When we spot Mark, we make our way over to him. He’s wearing the same T-shirt he wore last year.

I nod toward it. “I see Allyssa and I aren’t the only ones repeating last year’s costumes.”

Mark points to the sailor hat on his head. “I changed it up, man.”

“Oh, right. This year you’re a lazy sailor.”

He grins. “Yeah.” He looks at Allyssa. “Looking good, sis.”

“Why is it so loud?”

Mark shrugs. “It’s always loud.”

“Not like this.”

I point to a group of rookie cops. “It’s the young guys trying a little too hard to fit in.” They’re standing around the table hockey game watching a match. I take Allyssa’s hand. “Come on. Time to put them in their place.”


“You can beat those guys in your sleep.” We approach the table and they step back a few feet when they see us. “Okay, guys. Who’s your best player here?”

One of them grins. “Are you looking for a game, Sargeant Brandt?”