“The whole bit about wanting things to go back to the way they were. I didn’t really mean it.”

She cocks her head. “You didn’t? You don’t want to be friends anymore?”

I take her hand. “I do. I definitely do want to be your friend. But I also want to be…more than that.”

She smiles. “How much more?”

I take the plastic ring out of my pocket and hold it up to her. “Allyssa, will you be my girlfriend?”

She starts laughing and takes the ring from me. “Lincoln. I’d love to be your girlfriend.” She puts the ring on her finger and looks at it.

I get to my feet and pull her to hers. Then I put my arms around her. “Are you sure you want to get mixed up with a cop?”

She nods, then puts her arms around my neck. “Well, not just any cop. But with Officer Brandt, definitely.”

I pull her in for a kiss, then take her hand. “You don’t need to wear the ring. It was just my attempt at being romantic.”

“It worked. And I’m never taking it off.”

“No, seriously. You can take it off.”

She puts her arms around me again and gives me a serious look. “Link. The ring stays.”

“Fine. The ring stays.” I pull her in for another kiss and wonder why it took me so long to see what was in front of me all this time.



Ipullmyfootballjersey on over my head and check my reflection in the mirror, then turn to Allyssa, who is standing in the doorway watching me.

I go to her and put my hands around her waist. “Are you sure we’re not going to be judged for wearing the same costumes again this year?”

She kisses me. “I’m sure it’ll be okay.”

I tug on one of her pigtails, then move her out of the doorway so I can get past her. But I stop walking when I see Rosie sitting at the foot of the bed wearing a red cape with the letter R on it. I turn to Allyssa.

“What’s this?”

“Rosie needs a costume, too.”

“A superdog?”

“No. She’s Rosie the Super Canine.”

I go to Rosie and take her head in my hands. “I’m sorry, girl. I had nothing to do with this.”

Rosie barks and Allyssa laughs. “See, she likes it.”

“Hmm. It seems I’ve been replaced as Rosie’s favorite person.”

“No. She still adores her partner.”

At the sound of a knock on the door, I shake my head. “Trick or Treaters already?”

“Honey, they’re not early, you’re late. I’ve been here thirty minutes waiting for you.”

She leaves to go answer the door and I call out after her. “I was working.” I follow her into the living room and watch her hand out some candy to four kids at the door. Rosie is sitting next to her and the kids all want to pet her.