“That’s it?”

“Yes. You were right about Billy all along. And me getting him off was temporary. So, let’s go back to the original bet.”

He takes a bite of chicken and chews it thoughtfully. “Well, if we go with that logic, that I was right all along, then I should’ve won the bet. Which means I don’t need to go at all.”

I shake my head. “Final offer, Brandt. Take it or leave it.”

He laughs. “I will accept your terms.”


We finish our chicken and fries, then Link takes a cloth frisbee from his coat pocket. “You’re not really dressed for it. But how about a game of frisbee? You and Rosie against me.”

“You’ll let Rosie be on my team?”

“Of course. You need all the help you can get.”

“I can throw a frisbee.”

“I’m sure you can. But can you do it in heels?”

I look at my shoes, then reach down and take them off. “Are we going to do this or what?”

He laughs. “Let’s go.”

We play for thirty minutes and Link is right. I need Rosie on my team. She never misses. She and I end up winning thirty catches to twenty-five. Of course, the ones that Link misses are due to my less-than-perfect throwing. But I’ll take the win. We head back to the bench and I nudge Link.

“We should’ve bet on that.”

He laughs. “I think I’m done betting for a while.”

“Mark said you and he had a bet going.”

Link stops walking and looks at me. “Did he say what it was?”

“No. He wouldn’t tell me. But you’re going to tell me, right?”


“Fine. I’ll find out sooner or later.”

“You think I’m that easy?”

“No. But Mark is.”

Link shakes his head. “This time, he’s not going to cave.”

“We’ll see.”

We go back to the bench to sit and I put my shoes back on.

He pats my knee. “I’m sorry about Billy. I know you wanted to believe he was an innocent kid.”

I sigh. “Live and learn. I guess I need to start being a little more cynical.”

“No, don’t. Keep being Cheerleader Allyssa, rooting for the misunderstood and overlooked.”

“Is that who I am?”