“Slow down. This is a twenty-five-mile-per-hour zone.”

I take a breath. “Do you know who’s here?”


“Do you know why?”

“Selling and distributing.”

My heart sinks. “No.”

Link nods. “Probably sold that fancy suit you bought him for some seed money.”

“How did I not see this coming?”

He smiles at me. “Because you only see the good in people.”

“I should’ve listened to you.”

“Well, ordinarily, I’d love to say I told you so. But I know you genuinely tried to help the kid. This isn’t on you.”

“I need to talk to him.”

He shakes his head. “Allyssa, don’t. You did what you could for him. You need to cut the apron strings and let him go.”

“But he seemed so genuinely innocent. Even the judge believed him.”

“Maybe he was innocent of the last one. Maybe someone planted those drugs on him. But this time they caught him in the act. There’s no squirming out of it.”

“Do you really think he might’ve been innocent last time? He didn’t just play me?”

“It’s very possible.”

I cock my head. “You’re just saying that to be nice.”

“That’s very possible, too.”

“Thank you for trying to make me feel better, but it’s going to take a while for me to get over it.” I put a hand on Link’s arm. “Can we get a cup of coffee?”

“Sure.” We walk over to the coffee station and he pours me a cup, then hands it to me. I take a sip. “Oh man. This is terrible coffee.”

“It’s a police station. What’d you expect?”

“I’d expect really good coffee, actually, since you guys mainline the stuff.”

Link grins his irresistible grin. “Are we still on for lunch at the park?”


Henry walks by and pats me on the back. “Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. You missed a great party last night.”

“So I heard. Were there any memorable moments I should know about?”

“Only six sweet puppies popping out of a cake. Just don’t tell Rosie.”

“Oh, I won’t. Link would be in trouble if I did.”

Henry laughs, then points at Link. “She’s a keeper.”