I suddenly feel guilty. “Okay, I need to come clean. I told my brother I got tickets and he didn’t. And he’s even a bigger fan than I am.”

“So you’re using me?”

“I guess I am. I’m sorry.”

He is quiet for a moment. “No worries. I still want to take you.”

“Are you sure?” I stand and grab my purse from the back of the chair.

“Yeah. Let’s make your brother jealous.”

“You’re the best, Mitch.”

“That’s what I keep trying to tell you.”



IloverunningintoAllyssa at the station, and sometimes elsewhere. She’s a bright spot in my usually boring days. Not every day is boring, but Piper’s Ferry isn’t known for its crime. There’s just enough to keep me on my toes but not enough to make me feel like I’m putting my life on the line every day. It’s a small community far enough away from the interstate to keep it from becoming overpopulated and just on the edge of rural Oregon. In my opinion, it’s perfect.

After my first two years on the job, with a couple of different partners, I knew I wanted to apply to the K9 program. I’ve always gotten along better with dogs than people. Rosie and I were paired up when she was a pup and we spent six months in training. She’s been my partner for three years now. She’s as loyal as they come and I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, she’d take a bullet for me. I much prefer her company over any officer I’ve ever been teamed up with. She listens to my stories and is happy to share my meals with me. Those same qualities make her a good roommate, as well.

I don’t expect too much from the call I’m headed to. It’s a domestic situation concerning an unwanted visit from a family member. I should be in and out.

When I get to the apartment complex, I note it’s a converted motel that is now a halfway house situation. Low rent and some questionable tenants. Rosie and I go up the stairs to the correct room and knock on the door.


I hear some raised voices and some rustling around, then a few moments later, the door is thrown open and a man pushes by me and runs down the walkway. Rosie looks at me and I give her the signal to pursue. Rosie takes off and I step into the apartment.

“Everything okay in here?”

A woman approaches me. “Yes. Just keep him out of my house.”

“But you’re okay?”

She nods, and I leave to follow Rosie. I find her at the bottom of the stairs staring down the man who is cowering under the stairwell.

“Call her off, man.”

I give Rosie the command to sit but stay right on the guy.

She complies and I move up behind her. “What were you doing in the apartment?”

“Nothing. It’s my sister’s place. I just went to see her, and she freaked out.”

“Stand up.”

“I didn’t do anything, man.”

“Innocent men don’t generally run when an officer comes to the door. Stand up and link your fingers behind your head.”

He scowls at Rosie. “Is your dog going to attack me if I move?”

“Only if you give her reason to,” I call Rosie back to me and I see that she’s limping. “What’d you do to my dog?”

The man slowly gets to his feet and turns his back to me as he puts his hands behind his head. “Nothing, she jumped off the landing.”