He takes the last egg roll out of the box. “So why are you so sure your guy is innocent this time?”

“I think he has a case of always being in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

He laughs under his breath. “That’s an excuse.”

“Maybe to a degree. But he’s definitely a victim of his circumstances.”

“Another excuse. If you truly want to change and turn your life around, you can.”

I smile at him. “Like crazy Lincoln Brandt?”

“Yeah. Like that.”

“You weren’t a victim, though. You grew up in the same neighborhood with the same basic family dynamics Mark and I had. You chose, for awhile, to be rebellious.”

“True. I didn’t want to grow up to be my boring, straight-laced brother, who my parents adored.”

“They loved you too.”

He sets an empty container on the table. “Not like Frank.”

“How’s Frankie doing?”

“He just opened his own surgical practice in Seattle. And he’s still a jerk.”

“I’m glad you had Mark to grow up with.”

“Me too. Otherwise, I’d never be where I am today. Maybe I’m not a Harvard trained surgeon. But I’m happy. And I’m pretty sure Frank’s never been happy.”

“Are you guys in contact?”

“I see him once a year at Christmas. That’s enough for both of us. He doesn’t like me any more than I like him.”

I set my plate down, finally full. “Enough about your sibling rivalry. Guess whose ten-year reunion is coming up?”

“Not mine.”

“Mine. You and Mark skipped yours.”

He grins. “Yeah. We went fishing that weekend. It was great.”

“Weren’t you the least bit curious to see everyone?”


“The football team?”

“I see them every once in a while. We get together.”

“The cheerleaders?”

He laughs. “You’re the only cheerleader I have any desire to see.”

I shake my head. “Man. At the time, I thought that was the epitome of high school success.”

“You made it to head cheerleader. What’s that done for your legal career?”

I laugh. “Just trying to live it down.”