“Where’s it from?”

“The China Garden.”

“Can we eat it?”

I sigh. “Go warm it up.”

She gets up slowly so as not to disturb Rosie, then goes to the kitchen. Ten minutes later, she returns with six cartons of warmed up Chinese food. She hands me a paper plate and a fork, then sits down.

I put a little of everything on my plate and settle back into the couch. Rosie shows some interest but then closes her eyes again. She’s definitely off her game.

Allyssa takes a bite of food. “How long will she be out of commission?”

“The doc said to give it a month. But I’ll see how it goes.”

“Does that mean you’ll work alone, then?”

“No. They’ll stick me with some useless partner who I’ll have to talk to and act like I’m enjoying their company.”

I wrestle with a forkful of Chow Mein.

“Man. You might even have to consider their opinion on stuff. How terrible. Will you have to give in once in a while?” she teasingly says.

“Rosie and I do just fine. I work better with just her and me.”

“I believe you’re a bit of a loner, Officer Brandt.”

“I’m not a loner. I socialize. I just don’t want to work with someone else and put my life in their hands. Or have theirs in mine.”

“Do you trust Rosie with your life?”

“Absolutely.” He takes a bite of food. “How goes it with the new client? Has he bolted yet?”

She rolls her eyes at me. “Why are you so sure he’s going to bolt? Maybe he’s actually innocent this time.”

“Maybe. And maybe not.”



IlovehowmuchLink loves Rosie, and it’s clear Rosie trusts him as much as he trusts her. I also love how defensive he gets when I ask him about women. I know he dates. But I’m pretty sure he hasn’t been in a serious relationship for a while—or maybe ever. I’m sure his job has something to do with that. Along with the strict moral code he developed in the Marines. In his mind, his job and relationships don’t mix. It’s also why he has trouble trusting people.

“I’m willing to see it through. I think Billy just might be innocent this time.” When I start to fill my plate again, Link looks at me. “What?”

“Did you miss lunch?”

“No. Thanks to you, I had a taco.” I pause filling my plate.

“Oh, right. Without the tomatoes.”

“Can I have more, please? Or are you saving the rest for tomorrow’s dinner?”

He waves his fork at me. “Help yourself. But the next couple of meals we share are on you. “You’re right. I owe you. At least one meal.”

He shakes his head. “Two. Tacos and Chinese.”

“I ate one of your tacos.” He cocks his head and I sigh. “Fine, two meals.”