“I’ve heard rumors, but I don’t believe it.” She gives Rosie another kiss.

I nod toward the bag she brought. “What’d you bring?”



“No.” She takes a small bottle from the bag. “Essential oils.”

I scowl, then lose it and smile. She’s just trying to help. “How’s it work?”

Allyssa puts some on her fingertips, then rubs the lower part of Rosie’s ears. “It’s very calming and is safe to use.” She holds her fingers up. “Shall we try it on you?”

“I’m plenty calm, thanks.” I watch Rosie for a moment. “How fast does it work?”

“It’s not instantaneous. Just use it a few times a day. It’s more of a building up over time sort of thing.”

“So it doesn’t really solve my immediate problem?”

She strokes Rosie’s back. “She doesn’t seem to be overly anxious or in pain.”

“As long as I’m sitting with her, she’s fine. But if I get up, then she wants to follow me.”

“Let’s just sit here quietly for a bit and see how she does.”

I smile at her. “Are you capable of doing that? Sitting quietly?”

“Of course. I sit for hours in court. I can sit here on your couch.” She takes off her jacket and lays it on a chair, then looks around the room. “You really need to brighten this place up a bit. It’s so masculine. But not in a leather and pipe tobacco sort of way. More like a frat house without the partying.” She takes a seat on the other side of Rosie.

“Wow. Thanks.”

She laughs. “I know it’s just you and Rosie, so it doesn’t really matter.” She turns toward me. “Do you bring women here?”



“Rosie isn’t supposed to be around a lot of people.” I frown at Allyssa, still petting Rosie. “She needs to bond with only me.”

Allyssa raises her hand. “But Rosie loves me.”

“You’re the one exception.” She resumes her petting. “But I can’t have other people coming here and distracting her.”

“Like women? Because I know Mark comes over.”

I shake my head. “Why are you drilling me about my dating habits?”

“I’m not drilling you. Relax. I was just curious.” She looks around again. “You do date, right?”


“Sorry.” She manages to stay quiet for about five minutes, then smiles at me. “We should order a pizza. Or Chinese. I haven’t had Chinese in a while.”

“I have some Chinese in the fridge.”

She wrinkles her freckled nose. “How old is it?”

“It’s from last night. I usually order a few days’ worth.”