I go to him and take his hand. This isn’t what I want. I want him like he was after the reunion. The Link who wanted me for so much more than friendship. But like him, I didn’t want to lose him. I didn’t want to lose what we’ve always had. I smile. “Link, of course. My week wouldn’t be complete without running into you multiple times, either.”

He brings my hand to his lips and kisses the back of it. “Good. We’re good?” I swipe at a tear, and he cocks his head. “Lyssie?”

I swallow the lump in my throat and bring up a smile. “Yes. We’re good, Link.” I take a breath, then open my purse and take out the pink plastic ring, then hold it out to him. “Thank you for honoring the bet and being my fake fiancé for a few hours.”

He takes the ring, and nods, then whistles for Rosie to follow as he heads down the sidewalk. I watch him until he disappears inside the building.

“We are so not good, Lincoln Brandt.” It’s okay though, because in talking to him, I confirmed one thing. He wants to be with me as much as I want to be with him.



Ispendthenexttwo days convincing myself I did the right thing and everything will go back to the way it was with Allyssa. My theory doesn’t get tested, though, until I run into her on Friday afternoon.

As I’m leaving the courthouse, I run into her coming up the steps. She’s in her lawyer attire that I find irresistible.

“Hey, cheerleader.”

“Officer Brandt.”

All of my resolve to forget how I feel about her instantly melts away. “Are you ready for the party tomorrow night?”

She smiles. “Yes. Are you coming?”

“Of course. What are you coming as…?” I hold up a hand. “No wait. Let me guess. A nurse.” I shake my head. “No. School teacher.” I rub my chin. “I got it—Lawyer.”

She laughs. “You’ll just have to wait until tomorrow night to find out. I suppose you’ll be coming as Lincoln Brandt.”

“It’s the perfect costume.”

She puts a hand on my arm and I try not to react to the bolt of electricity it sends through me. “I’ll see you at Freddie’s.”

She continues up the steps as I go down, then I stop at the bottom to watch her. A fellow officer comes up next to me and nudges me.

“She’s something, right?”

I scowl at him. “She hates cops, so steer clear.”

“That’s not what I heard.”

I turn to him. “What do you mean?”

“Your fake engagement man, it’s all over town.”

I take a breath. “I lost a bet. That’s all.”

He laughs. “Well, I don’t know too many guys who wouldn’t want to lose that bet.”

I take his arm. “Have a little respect, man. She’s my friend.”

He pulls away from me. “Take it easy. I’m just kidding.” He walks off and I go to my car and get in beside Rosie. She looks at me. “I know. I overreacted a little.”

On Saturday, I get off shift at six and go home to eat and shower before the party. I never wear a costume. It’s not my thing. But I remember telling Allyssa I’d wear my old football jersey. So I go to the garage and dig it out of a box of old stuff my mother made me take when I moved into my house. I find the jersey and bring it into the house. After I shower, I put it on along with a pair of jeans.That’s as far as I’ll go for you, Allyssa.

After eating a can of chili and some crackers, I feed Rosie and tell her not to bark every time some kid comes to the door. I put a bowl of candy on a table outside the front door with a note.

You are being watched by Rosie, the police dog. She knows how to count. So don’t take more than two pieces of candy and save some for the next kid. Stay safe, Officer Brandt.