Of course he knows it’s about Link. “Have you talked to him lately?”

“Not for a couple of days.”

“Since the reunion?”

He leans back in the booth. “What happened at the reunion? Did you take a step out of the friend zone?

I scowl. “Maybe. I’m not sure.”

“What happened?” He takes another chip and scoops up too much salsa, which drips off and leaves a trail on the table between the salsa bowl and his mouth.

I shake my head and hand him a napkin. “Did you miss breakfast?”

He shrugs. “I like chips and salsa. What’s going on with you and my best friend?”

“I don’t know. We had a good time at the reunion.” I sigh. “A really good time.”

“So, what’s the problem? You two have been tiptoeing around for the last year. It’s about time you jumped in with both feet.” He laughs. “Just hold on tight. Because it’s going to be a crazy ride.”

“The problem is. I don’t think he wants to take a ride with me, crazy or otherwise.”

“No way.” He says in disbelief.

I cross my arms. “Why do you say that?”

“Because he’s my friend. And I know him and how he thinks and what he wants. And he wants you.”

“So why has he been acting like I’m the last person in the world he wants to be around?”

Mark raises an eyebrow. “When did you see him last?”

“On Monday. He basically blew me off. He made some excuse about having a clinic with Rosie and I haven’t seen him since.”

Mark drinks some water and points at me. “It wasn’t an excuse. He really did have a thing with Rosie for the kids from the Kids in Crisis Center.”

“Of course he did. Because that’s what Link does. Dogs and kids he loves. Lawyers, I’m not so sure about.”

The waitress comes to take our order, then Mark leans back again. “That’s the problem right there.”

“That I’m a lawyer?”

“No. That he’s a cop. He’s a cop and you have your lame no dating cops rule.”

I feel like I should defend my rule. “It’s not a bad rule. Most cops are…well, they’re not Link.”

“Well, Link, being Link, maybe he’s just trying to honor your rule. So really, this is all your fault.” He says matter-of-factly.

After lunch, I return to the office and find a note on my desk. There’s someone in holding requesting a lawyer, but it’s at Link’s precinct and I don’t want to go. I take the information and go to Mitch’s office.

He looks up from his desk. “Allyssa, you’re looking…perturbed today.”

I put the file on his desk. “Will you take this, please?”

He looks at it. “Can’t. I’m booked.”


He looks at it again. “He’s at P110. Are you avoiding your best cop buddy?”