I take a breath. Although I feel as if there isn’t quite enough air around me to do so. “Of course.”

“This could change everything.”

I nod. “Right.”

He steps close and kisses me again, then steps away. “Okay. Get in the truck.”


“I think it’s time to call it a night.”

I get in the truck and he closes my door. He gets in behind the wheel and is quiet until we stop at a traffic light.

He glances at me, then grins. “Man, Lyssie.”


“We’ll talk about this tomorrow. Or Monday. Let’s give it a few days.”

“Okay.” I don’t want to give it a few days. I want to talk about it right here and now. We just kissed. Like really kissed. And it was everything I ever thought it would be.

When we get to my house, he looks like he’s going to stay in the truck, but he doesn’t. He gets out and walks me to the door. I unlock it, then turn to him.

He has that look in his eye again, and he takes my hands, then pulls me close before kissing me. He lets go and steps back.

He shakes his head. “Wow. I’ll see you in a few days, cheerleader.”

“Good night, Link.”

He nods, then turns and walks to his truck. Before he gets in, he waves to me, still standing outside the front door. He gets in and drives off while I continue to stand there and wonder what just happened.

Link and Allyssa.I like the way it sounds. And I’ve always secretly wished it would happen someday. But now it has—I think. I shake my head and go inside, then lean against the door and look at my pink plastic engagement ring. I’m pretty sure I’m falling in love with Officer Link Brandt.



BythetimeIget home, the rose tinted glasses are gone, and I’m furious with myself. Why did I let that happen? Not that I didn’t enjoy it. But this whole thing is a mistake. I never should’ve gone to the reunion and played the fake fiancé game. I’m a cop. The last person any woman should want to get involved with, especially Allyssa. She deserves so much more.

I get home and Rosie picks up on my mood as I drop onto the couch. She comes and lays her head on my knee.

I sigh. “I’m a fool, Rosie. But I really like her. I mean, I’ve always liked her. You know that. But now. Ireallylike her.“ I look at Rosie. “Feel free to jump in here. I could use some advice.” I pat Rosie’s head and she sighs. “You’re right. I need to end this before it even starts. Or goes any further. It definitely started tonight. Oh man, did it start.” I shake my head. “Seriously, Rosie, pipe in. Tell me what to do.”

She moans again, then creeps up onto the couch and lays next to me. She knows she’s not allowed on the couch, but she also knows, right now, I need her there. She lies down and nuzzles my thigh, then closes her eyes. I put a hand on her back. “Okay. I’ll talk to her tomorrow. Or maybe the next day. I’ll wait until I run into her.” I lean back on the couch and sigh. “I’m a coward.”

I go to bed, no closer to figuring out what to do. I know what Ishoulddo. But it is in direct conflict with what Iwantto do. I want to be with Allyssa. And now that I let myself realize that I have wanted it for a while now. I have wantedherfor a while now.

But she has a strict rule. A good rule—no cops and no lawyers. Being with a cop is hard. The divorce rate among my fellow officers proves that. And I have stayed away from any serious relationships for that reason. Being with Allyssa would be a serious relationship. Like long term forever and ever relationship.

I’m off on Sunday, so I sleep in, and when I get up, I drink a protein shake before heading out for a long run with Rosie. I need to get Allyssa off my mind. I stick to my neighborhood, knowing I won’t run into her. I push myself and go six miles and take two flights of stairs. By the time Rosie and I get back, we’re both exhausted.

I get in the shower and stay in until the hot water runs out. When I go to the kitchen to fix something to eat, I realize it is all for nothing. I’m still thinking about kissing Allyssa in the parking lot. It was a great kiss. Or series of kisses. I can still feel her lips on mine. I can smell her hair and the faint scent of her perfume. I spend the rest of the day trying to get those things out of my head.

By Monday, I’m beyond frustrated and my fellow officers pick up on my mood. As I’m pouring myself a third cup of coffee, Tom comes up to me and pats me on the back.

“Did you have a fight with your girl?”

I scowl at him and tell him exactly what I think of his comment.