When the song is over, he steps away from me and smiles. “That was very nice, Lyssie.”

“I agree.”

He takes my hand and we leave the dancefloor. “Do you want to go out front for a few minutes and get some air?” He shakes his head. “I know we’re outside and technically, the air here is just the same as the air out front.”

“Let’s go. There are a lot fewer people out front.”

He nods and continues to hold my hand as we leave the patio area and circle the building. There are a few tables in front of the building with no one at them, so we go to one and sit down. I reach across the table and pat his hand. “So, what do you think?”

“Honestly, I’d rather be fishing right now.”

I nod. “I wouldn’t mind that, actually. Will you take me fishing with you sometime?”

He frowns. “No women allowed on my fishing trips.”

“Wow. Okay.”

He grins. “I’m kidding. I’d love to take you fishing sometime. Do you know how to fish?”

“Of course I know how.”

“So you’ve been?”

I take a moment to answer. “No. But how hard can it be?”

“There’s more to it than tossing a line in the water.”

“Good thing I’ll have an expert with me, then.” I nudge him.

We sit for a few minutes and enjoy the quiet night, then I look at him. “We can leave now if you want.”

“Oh, thank goodness. Are you sure?”

“Yes, Link. I’m sure.”

We stand and begin walking toward his truck. “Thank you again for being such a good sport about this.”

“I’m always a good sport.” I look at him and he adds, “I try to be a good sport most of the time.”

I tuck my arm through his. “This was actually a very pleasant evening. Much better than I thought it would be. I’m glad we came.”

He sighs. “I hate to admit it. But I’m glad we came too. But you’ll never get me to the next one.”

I know it is a random comment without any context or reference to our future. But I like that he pictured us still in each other’s lives ten years from now.

“You’re a good friend, Link.”

“I am, aren’t I?”

We get to the truck and go to the passenger side door. He opens it, then looks at me in a way he’s never looked at me before. I hold his gaze for a moment, then look away. I want to be sure I’m reading him right. I glance back at him and when he leans toward me, he hesitates and takes a breath.

“Link,” I whisper then move closer to meet his lips. His are warm and inviting. He pulls back and looks at me for a moment, then puts his hands on my waist and pulls me closer, before kissing me again. It takes my breath away and I feel lightheaded. I put my arms around his neck and kiss the side of it, then his clean-shaven cheek. Then I return to his lips. I put my hands in his hair, then rest my forehead against his.

When he leans back away from me, he smiles. “What’s going on here?”

I shake my head. “I don’t know. But I think I like it.”

He pulls me in for one more kiss, then steps away. “We should think about this.”