“Yes. And that’s why you are a great lawyer.”

“Great? Really?”

“Yep. If I ever need a lawyer, I’m calling you.”

“Hmm. I hope I’m not too busy to take your case.” I tease.

“You’ll take my case, if only for the opportunity to tell me what to do.”



Ilookatmyreflection in the mirror and can hardly recognize myself. I took an early shift so I could get a haircut after work. Then I came home and shaved. Allyssa had told me I didn’t need to adhere to the added on parts of the bet but I wanted to. Despite Billy flaking out and showing his true colors, Allyssa won the bet as it was presented. She got him off of the charges he was currently being held for. She won fair and square. And I’d hold up my end of the deal.

“She probably won’t know who you are when you come knocking on her door.” I say to my reflection.

When Rosie hears my voice, she comes to the bathroom door. I turn and look at her, and she cocks her head. “That bad, huh?”

Rosie lays down in the doorway with a sigh. I step over her and go to get dressed. I try to remember what Allyssa had said was suitable attire. Slacks and a button up? I dig around my closet and come up with a pair of khaki pants and a dark blue cotton shirt. It isn’t a dress shirt. But it has buttons and a collar. It’ll have to do.

There will be food at the reunion, probably a mediocre buffet. So I skip dinner, but at the last minute, I decide to eat a banana. It’ll hold me for a while. I pet Rosie and tell her to be good and not to wait up for me, then leave the house. I take a breath. I have no idea why I’m so nervous.

I drive to Allyssa’s house and park out front, then take another minute before getting out and walking to her door. I knock and prepare myself for her reaction.

She opens the door, then puts her hand over her mouth. “I don’t believe it.”

“A bet’s a bet.”

She takes my arm and pulls me inside, then gives me a hug. “You’re so sweet.”

“Just get it out of your system. Bring on the smart remarks.”

“I don’t have any. I’m actually speechless. You look great.” She puts a hand on my cheek. “So handsome. I’ll be the envy of the reunion. The women are going to go wild.”

“Speechless means you can’t think of anything to say.”

She laughs. “Thank you. I’m very impressed with this look.”

“Don’t get used to it.”

“Okay. I think I’m ready to go.”

I open the door, then stop and turn to her. “I almost forgot.” I take the pink plastic ring that took me twenty minutes to get from the vending machine and hold it out to her. “Allyssa, will you be my fake fiancé? Just for tonight?”

She starts laughing. “I’d be honored, Link.” She takes the ring from me and puts it on her finger. “It’s beautiful.”

“It should be. It cost me five dollars in quarters.”

We go out to the truck and I open the door for her. She takes my hand for a moment. “Thank you for honoring the bet as it was made.”

“You’re welcome. If youreallywant to thank me, though. You’ll come to the Halloween party in your cheerleading uniform.”

She shakes her head. “Just get in the truck, Link.”

We drive to the restaurant where the reunion is being held and sit for a moment in the parking lot. I look at the entrance, then glance at her. “We can just forget this whole thing and go get a pizza and kill zombies.”

“Oh no. We made it this far. We’re going inside.”