I stay another hour, then say goodbye to everyone and head home. I check my phone when I get to the truck and see I have a missed call from Allyssa. She also left me a text.


I call her.


“Your one and only.”

“I’m sorry about the bachelor party. I swear I never told anyone.”

I put my key in the ignition. “I believe you. These things have a way of leaking out.”

“Are you off tomorrow?”


“Are you free for lunch?

I start the engine. “The park at one? I’ll bring chicken strips and fries.”

“Sounds good.”

“See you tomorrow, Cheerleader.”

“Bye, my one and only.”

I like the way that sounds, especially coming from her.



Ifeelalittlebad that Link is being teased at work, but it’s kind of funny as well. The picture Mark sent me is hilarious. I spend the evening thinking about Link. I really want him to come with me to the reunion. But I want to let him off of the rest of the bets. I’ll tell him tomorrow he doesn’t have to cut his hair or shave. And we’ll just go as friends. I’m more than fine with that.

When I get to my office on Thursday, Mitch appears in the doorway with a box of pastries from Angelina’s. “I thought you could use a pick-me-up.”

“Why would I need a pick-me-up?”

He steps into my office. “Oh. You haven’t heard?”

My first thought is that something happened to Link. “I haven’t heard what?”

“Your guy. Billy. He’s in custody again.”

I lean back in my chair while my relief that Link is okay is replaced by shock. “What? How? What happened?”

“I don’t know. But the big guys upstairs don’t want anymore to do with him.”

I get to my feet. “I need to go talk to him.”

“Have a bear claw first.”

“Just leave it on the desk.” I grab my purse and jacket then head for the door. I stop and put a hand on his arm. “Thanks for the pastries.”

“Sure. No problem. But, Allyssa, I think you should let it go.”

He’s probably right, but I can’t. I drive to the precinct and go inside. The firm won’t let me represent Billy, but I can still talk to him. I rush through the bullpen, not paying too much attention to my surroundings until I’m stopped by someone taking my arm. I turn to see Link.