I shrug. I’m not really feeling like hanging out with the guys. “Maybe.”

He notes my hesitancy and cocks his head. “It’s been a while since you came out with us. We’re starting to think you don’t like us anymore. Seems you prefer the company of a cute lawyer these days.”

“Well, she definitely smells better than any of you.” I sigh. “What time?”

He grins. “Eight o’clock.”

“I’ll come for a game or two of pool.”

“See you in a bit.”

I spend another hour doing paperwork, then head home to change. Once I’m there, I really don’t want to leave again. But Henry is right—I’ve been ignoring my friends lately and spending more and more time with Allyssa. She does smell better than them and I’ll take her company over theirs any day. But I work with these guys, and I owe them a night out. Or at least an hour or two out.

I eat a quick meal, tell Rosie I won’t be late, then head for Freddie’s. The parking lot is pretty full for a Wednesday night, and I have trouble finding a spot to put the truck. I find one in the back, then jog across the parking lot. When I walk into Freddie’s, I stop inside the door.

The whole place is decorated with balloons, crepe paper, and a banner readingCongratulations Link and Allyssa.It seems the whole precinct is here.

Henry comes up to me. “Welcome to your bachelor party.”

The room explodes in laughter and cheering. Somehow, someone heard about Allyssa and me.

“Wow, guys. You don’t have anything better to do than harass me?”

“Nope. Besides, you know cops. Any excuse to celebrate.” Henry takes my arm. “Come on. We’ve got a special table for you.”

We make our way through the room, but it’s slow going. Everyone wants to congratulate me on my upcoming nuptials. I follow him to a table that is decorated with paper wedding bells and streamers. In the middle of it is a bottle of champagne. I sit and he pours two glasses of champagne, then holds one up to the room.

“To our friend and fellow officer, Link Brandt. May Allyssa someday love him as much as Rosie does.”

Everyone cheers and takes a drink, as I pick up my glass and take a sip. A waiter approaches the table with an appetizer plate of hot wings, mozzarella sticks, and deep-fried zucchini slices. Henry wanders off and I lean back in my chair. Everyone is having a blast at my expense, but it’s okay. They deserve to have some fun.

When Mark comes up to the table and sits across from me, I point a finger at him. “Did you do this?”

He laughs. “I wish. But I had nothing to do with it.”

“Why are you here, then? You’re the only non-cop in the room.”

“I guess they figured I’d be your best man.”

“Of course they did.”

He helps himself to a hot wing. “So, are you really going to go to the reunion and telling everyone you and Allyssa are engaged?”

I shrug. “I lost the bet.”

“How’d it get to that point? Last I heard, you were just going together.”

I shake my head. “Zombies, baseball, and a pulled muscle.”

Mark holds up a hand. “I don’t want to know.”

“Your sister is quite competitive.”

“I’m sure it was all her. You just played along. Because you’re not competitive at all.” He says sarcastically.

I laugh. “Well, I might’ve instigated some of it.” I pick up a mozzarella stick and dip it in some marinara. “Allyssa is…” He raises an eyebrow, and I add, “…quite a lawyer. I never thought she’d get the slippery guy off. It was a sure thing. I never thought I’d lose.”

“There’s no such thing as a sure thing.” He looks at me for a moment. “It’s okay, you know.”