Link frowns. “Quit calling it that. And it’s fine. Good as new.”

The elevator doors open and he motions toward it. “Are you going down?”

I step into the elevator and he and Rosie come in after me. “I’m going all the way down.”

He pushes the button for the first floor, then folds his arms across his chest. “Are you ready for Wednesday?”

“Totally. We have one last meeting today.”

“Let me know how it turns out.”

“Oh. I will. Better yet. You should come watch.”

“I’ll be on duty.”

“If you can get away. We’re on the docket for one o’clock.”

“I’ll come if I can.”

We arrive at the first floor and exit the elevator, then go outside to his cruiser.

“So, I hope to see you in court.”

He puts Rosie into the car. “Good luck, Allyssa.”

“Thank you.”

He drives off and I wave, muttering to myself. “See you later, you handsome officer of the law.”

I meet up with Billy at my office and we go over his case one more time. He seems nervous, and I try to bolster his confidence. “It’s going to be fine. The judge has your statement. I also got witness statements from a few other people who were there that night.

He nods. “Okay. I really don’t want to go to jail.”

“You’re not going to jail. The worst case scenario would be probation. I’m confident of that.”

He takes a deep breath. “I hope you’re right.”

“I want you to come here an hour before court. So by noon. You can change into your suit and get ready to face the judge. Can you get here? Or should I send you a car?”

“I’ll take the bus. I’ll be fine.”

“Okay. If something comes up, call me.”

He nods. “Yes, ma’am. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

I have plans to meet with Mark for dinner but have a few hours’ worth of work to take care of first. I wade through it and get done right before five, which gives me enough time to go home and change into something more casual. I like my lawyer attire, but I also like getting out of it at the end of the day. I think about Link and his uniform. It must be boring to wear the same thing every day. But then again, you don’t have to put much thought into getting dressed.And, honestly, when you look as good as he does in his uniform, why not wear it every day?

I meet Mark at six at an Italian restaurant. He loves Italian food. But I only like a couple dishes and usually get the same thing, which, of course, he teases me about.

We order and start in on our salads.

He grins. “How goes the bet? Am I going to see Cheerleader Allyssa at the Halloween party?”

“I have court on Wednesday. When I get my client off, Link will be attending the reunion with me. And I will wear whatever I want to the party.”

“Okay. As much as I’d like to see you lose, I wouldn’t mind hearing all about Link at the reunion.”