“What took you so long?”

“I drove the speed limit.” She gets out of her car. “Are you coming in?”

“You know what I like. Let’s eat out here.”

“Okay. I’ll be right back.”

I watch her walk away again, then sigh and get out of the truck. I drop the tailgate down and sit on it. I flex my leg a couple of times to keep it from getting too stiff.

After a few minutes, Allyssa returns with a brown bag, a cup of coffee, and a bottle of water. She sets everything down and hops up next to me.

“How’s the leg?”

“It’s fine. It’s not going to slow me down from chasing bad guys today.”

“Good. So the city is safe.”

“Yes.” I pick up the coffee and take a sip as she hands me an asiago bagel with avocado and bits of bacon. “So, when are you and Billy due in court?”

“Two weeks. Court on Wednesday. And the reunion is on Saturday.”

“Okay. Promise me one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“No matter what I say between now and your court date, don’t let me up the bet.”

She laughs. “I’ll try. But I’ve tried before. I tried today, actually.”

I sigh. “We just need to stay away from anything I can turn into a competition.”

She pats my knee. “I bet I can finish my bagel before you can.”

“Shut up.”



Idon’tseemuchof Link the next week and I wonder if he’s avoiding me. He just can’t stop himself from taking every opportunity to up our bet. The fiancé thing caught me off guard. Is he really that confident my client is going to jail?

I have an appointment with Billy on Monday afternoon, but I’m at the courthouse in the morning with another client. When I leave the courtroom, I see Link and Rosie waiting for the elevator.

I walk up behind him and Rosie spots me and wags her tail. Link glances down at her, then looks over his shoulder.

I smile. “Good morning, officer.”


I resist the urge to pet Rosie. I try to follow the no touch rule with her when we’re in public. “Where’ve you been lately? I was beginning to think you were avoiding me.”

“And why would I do that?”

“The reunion is this weekend.”

He nods. “I’m aware.”

“How’s your hammy?”