She puts her hands on her hips. “No, it isn’t. There were no contingency conditions laid out. I got to the creek first. You didn’t say ‘unless I pull a hammy.’”

I start limping toward the bench at the bottom of the bridge. “Whatever makes you feel better about yourself.”

She takes my arm. “I’m sorry. You’re really hurt. Let me help you.”

I move my arm away from her. “I don’t need help. I’m a big boy.” I make it to the bench and sit down with a groan.

Allyssa sits next to me. “You’re being a baby, Link.”

“I am not.” I glance at her. “If I’m a baby, then you’re a cheater.”

She grins. “I can live with that.” She lifts her left hand and looks at it. “I want a really big diamond ring that I can flash around at the reunion.”

I shove at her, she loses her balance, and nearly falls off the end of the bench. I grab her arm and pull her back, closer to my side. It feels nice, but I’m not sure if I’m allowed to notice these things. “I’ll get you a ring out of the vending machine. One with a big pink plastic heart.”

She looks at me. “That might work, actually. We can come up with an elaborate tale for the romantic gesture behind it all.”

I sigh and rub the back of my thigh.

Allyssa shakes her head. “Nah. They probably wouldn’t buy the fact that Lincoln Brandt is a romantic.”

“I can be romantic if I want to.”

She pats my knee. “I’m sure you can.”

I move an inch away from her. “I don’t think I want to be your friend anymore.”

She moves next to me and takes my arm. “Sure you do.”

I look at her. “I’m still not worried.”

“Link. You’ve lost every additional bet we’ve made.”

I shrug. “Which won’t matter when I win the big one.”

She gives me a sympathetic look. “Is your leg okay?”

“It will be. Will you walk me back to the truck?”

“Of course. I was ready to go a mile ago.”

We start walking back toward the parking lot. My leg is feeling a little better, but I figure it’ll be sore for a couple of days. On the way back, I think about the bet. I really need to stop adding to it. The next step would have us married with children. But I’m still not worried. There’s no way Allyssa is going to get Billy off.

We arrive at the truck and I put Rosie inside, then turn to Allyssa.

She smiles. “When do you have to be at work?”


“Bagels from Dave’s Bagel Shop?”

She knows I can’t resist bagels from Dave’s. “Yeah, but you’re buying.”

“Fine, you big baby. I’ll meet you there.”

I watch her bounce off across the parking lot. She can sure wear a pair of yoga pants. I get into the truck and pet Rosie. “Just what are we going to do about the cheerleader?” Rosie whines and nuzzles my hand. “I know you like her. But that’s because she’s not able to annoy you like she annoys me.” I start the truck. “Fiancé? What was I thinking?”

I get to Dave’s before she does and wait in the truck for Allyssa to arrive. She shows up a few minutes later and parks next to me.