“No. The policeman wants to challenge you to a race.”

She sucks in some air. “A race?”

The clearing ends at a small creek with a bridge over it. “A sprint across the clearing to the edge of the water.”

She cocks her head at me. “And what are we betting?”

I think for a moment. “We up the reunion bet.”

“I thought we were done doing that.”

“Okay, whatever.”

She takes my arm. “What are we adding to the bet?”

I smile. “If you beat me to the creek, I’ll not only go as your boyfriend, I’ll go as your fiancé. And if I win, I don’t cut my hair if you somehow manage to get Billy off.”

She starts laughing. “You’re kidding.”

“Nope. Dead serious. That’s how confident I am. First, that you can’t beat me to the creek. And second, that I’m not going to the stupid reunion with you.”

Allyssa shrugs. “Fine. I’ve got nothing to lose and a fiancé to gain.”

I give Rosie the signal to stay and she lies down and looks at me like she knows I’m being childish. Allyssa and I line up at an invisible line in the dirt path.

“Okay, on three.”

She glances at me. “Go on three?”

“Yes. One, two, three, then go.”

“Okay. Got it.”

“If you jump the gun, the bet is off.”

“I won’t. I’m not a cheater.”

I look at her. “Eighth grade?”

She squints at me. “That…was different.”

“Tell Mandy Summerville that.”

She gets ready to run again. “On your count, Officer Brandt.”

I nod. “One, two, three.” We both take off, and I’m well ahead of her. I have it in the bag. Then I feel a pop in my left hamstring and pull up. I grab my thigh and Allyssa zooms by me. She gets to the creek then looks back at me while she does a victory dance.

“Take that, fiancé.” She heads back to me. Concern shows on her face now. “What’s wrong?”

“Do you really think I just stopped so you could win?” I whistle for Rosie and she runs to me.

“Are you hurt?”

“I pulled my hamstring.”

She starts laughing. “Wow. You have to make up excuses for being beaten by a girl.”

“You didn’t beat me. I stopped due to an injury. I was well ahead of you and would’ve beaten you. The bet is off.”