He answers the phone with, “What’s up, cheerleader?”

“I don’t think so. I think I’ll be going to the Halloween party in any costume I want.”

“What happened?”

I lean back on the couch. “I took Billy shopping for a suit today. Then we went to lunch. He opened up to me and I think I can get him off.”

“Allyssa. You’re never going to see Billy or that suit again.”

“Actually, I have the suit. He asked me to keep it for him.”

Link groans. “That’s even worse.”

I sit up. “How is that worse?”

“He’s not going to show up in court.”

“There you go being jaded again.”

“I just know what I know. I know guys like him.”

I lean back once more and put my feet on the ottoman. “Well, I’m sorry to say, Billy is going to prove you wrong.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“That would mean you’d be going to the reunion with me.”

“It’d be worth it to have proof that some tigers do change their stripes.”

I smile. “I’m happy to oblige. My gloating didn’t interrupt anything, did it?”

“I’m actually on a date.”

My heart and smile drop. That’s really disappointing news. “You are?”

He laughs. “No. The only girl I hang out with is Rosie. And you, of course.”

I don’t want to analyze how relieved this makes me. Or how much I want to push him into his parent’s new pool for scaring me like that. “Whose company do you enjoy more?”

“Hmm. It’s a tie. Rosie is better to hang out with if I just want some peace and quiet.”

“And me?”

“I like beating the pants off you in basketball.”

I sigh and cross my ankles. “It wasn’t a shutout.”

“Close enough.”

“So, what are you doing tomorrow around lunchtime?”

“I never know when I’m on duty. Why?”

“Well, if you’re not on a call, maybe we could accidentally run into each other for lunch?”

“That place on fifth?”

“That works.”