“You should go as Obi Wan Kenobi.”

“Obi Wan has a full beard.”

“You can go as Obi Wan after he lost a bet and had to shave.”

“I’ll keep it in mind.”

“It’s going to be really unfair if I’m in my cheerleader uniform and you’re just in jeans and a T-shirt.”

I sigh. “If…or I should say, when, you go to the party in your uniform. I’ll wear my football jersey. But that’s it. No pads. No helmet.”

She smiles and takes my arm. “Aw. You’d do that for me?”


“Does this mean I have to wear something specific to the reunion when we go?”

“No. You can wear whatever you want.”

“Why are you being so accommodating?”

“I’m always accommodating.”

She spots an ice cream cart and pulls on my arm. “Let’s get some ice cream.”

“You’ll ruin your dinner.”

“Sorry Dad, I promise I’ll clean up my plate.”

We go to the cart and she orders two scoops of Rocky Road. I don’t order ice cream, but we go to a nearby cart and I order a coffee. We find another bench to sit on. As has been happening lately, I’m enjoying spending time with Allyssa and I don’t want it to end.

She sticks her elbow into my side. “You’re lost in thought. What’s going on in that ruggedly handsome, tousled head of yours?”

I run a hand through my hair. “Ruggedly handsome, huh?”

“Don’t let it go to your head.”

“I was just thinking that instead of getting ice cream, we should’ve gone to get a burger or something.”

“I’ll be hungry for a burger in about an hour.”

“You don’t have to go back to your office?”

“No. I think I’m done for the day.”

“Do you have a change of clothes in your car?”

“You don’t like my up-and-coming lawyer look?”

I shake my head. “It’s not that. I just thought we’d play a little basketball to rev up our appetite.”

“Basketball? First, baseball. Now, basketball?”

“Just a thought. Not a full on game. We can play horse or something. One-on-one.”

She gets to her feet. “I’ll be right back.”

A few minutes later, Allyssa returns with basically the same thing she wore for baseball practice. “I’ll change in the bathroom, but you need to come with me. I don’t want to lay my clothes on the floor.”