“You’re an honorable man, Lincoln.”

“I try.” I glance at her. “Do you have to go back to the office?”

“I don’t know. What’d you have in mind?”

“Nothing too exciting. But it’s a nice day. Can you hang out with Rosie and me for a while?”


We sit on the bench for a while, then take a walk. When two young boys approach us, they look at Rosie, and then me.

“Can we pet you dog, mister?”

“No guys, sorry. Rosie is a police dog. No one is allowed to pet her but me.”

They seem impressed. “Cool. Does she do tricks?”

“Not tricks. She follows commands.”

“Can we see?”

I smile. “Sure. Back up about twenty feet.” The boys run back and then stop and face me. I give Rosie the command to protect and she runs to the boys and lays down in front of them.

“Whoa. Cool.”

I whistle and Rosie returns to me.

The boys are impressed. “That’s awesome. How much did she cost?”

“Well, she’s worth more than me.”

The boys laugh. “Are you a policeman?”

“Yes, I am. I’m just off duty today. But Rosie is always on.”

They run off and Allyssa and I resume walking. “Is Rosie really worth more than you?”

“As far as an asset for the police department, yes.”

“Do you get to keep her when she retires?”

“I hope so. It usually works out that way.”

“Good. You and Rosie belong together.”

“If she stops taking dives off of second floor landings, she just might make it to retirement.”

I’ve known since the first week I had Rosie that I couldn’t imagine life without her. Lately, I can’t imagine life without Allyssa either.

I glance at her. “So, when’s this stupid reunion?”

“The week before Halloween. What are you going to be this year? Something that requires neatly trimmed hair and a clean-shaven face?”

“I don’t know how you can even think you’re going to win the bet. Besides, you know I don’t dress up in costume.”

“That’s right. You’re a party pooper.”

I frown. “I’m not a party pooper. I just don’t like to wear costumes.”