I laugh. “No. But I think he’s about to get pulled into something that might affect your ability to get him off.”

“What’s he doing?”

“Nothing yet. He’s with three other characters. I don’t recognize them. But I know their type. If I see something go down, I’m going to move in. Even though I’m off duty today.”

“I’m coming down. Wait for me.”

“I can’t promise you that.”

“Okay. I’ll be there in fifteen.”

The guys continue to mill around and posture a bit, but I don’t think it’s going to amount to much. The argument seems to be over now. When I see Allyssa, I wave her over to me.

“Sit and don’t stare.”

She sits and pets Rosie, turning toward me so I can use her for cover. “What’s happening?”

“Not much. I think they’re getting ready to leave.”

The three guys walk away together, leaving Billy by himself. He goes to a bench and sits down. He watches the other guys leave, and he seems to be considering going after them.

Allyssa leans forward on the bench. “I’m going to go talk to him.”

I put a hand on her arm to stop her. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. He’s harmless. Besides, I have two police officers keeping an eye on me. I’ll be fine.”

I nod, then let go of her arm. She stands and crosses the grass to Billy. He seems surprised to see her and he gets to his feet. I can’t hear their exchange, but she gets him to sit again and they talk for several minutes. Rosie and I both keep an eye on Allyssa, ready to move if conditions change.

After a few more minutes, they both stand and Allyssa walks back to me while Billy takes off in the other direction.

She sits. “Man. He’s not the smartest guy around.”

“What’d he have to say for himself?”

“Excuses. ‘I didn’t know what they wanted at first. As soon as I found out, I was going to leave.’”

“They left before he did.”

“I pointed that out to him.”

I nudge her. “Looks like my bet is pretty safe.”

“It’s still not over.”

I nod. “Oh. I think it is. Just hanging out with those guys is probably violating his parole.”

“Whatever.” She looks around the park. “So, is this how you spend your days off? Stalking people at the park?”

“I was just sitting here minding my own business. They caught Rosie’s attention before they caught mine.”

Allyssa pats Rosie’s head. “Good girl.” She looks at me. “Thanks for calling me.”

“No problem.”

“You could’ve just let him get himself into trouble, and insure your bet.”

I shrug. “I didn’t want you to think I was cheating.”